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Afro Latina Haircare Belatina

Why Segregation Still Exists in the Haircare Aisle

In the United States, the hair care industry generates billions — yes, that’s a B — of dollars. Mintel, a global provider of Market...
House Passes Latino-Focused Legislation: Felicitas Mendez Could Make More History Soon as She Is Set to Become the First Latina to Have a U.S. Courthouse Named After Her

House Passes Latino-Focused Legislation: Felicitas Mendez Could Make More History Soon as She Is...

The U.S. House of Representatives has made a historic decision by passing a bill from U.S. Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) to name the Los...
Raoul A. Cortez, the Father of Spanish-language Radio in the U.S., Is Celebrated with a Google Doodle

Raoul A. Cortez, the Father of Spanish-language Radio in the U.S., Is Celebrated with...

Today, we celebrate a Latino icon – and Google is joining in!  Google has made it a point to honor what would have been Raoul...
Race Schools Segregation BELatina Latinx

New Study Finds Many U.S. Schools Remain Divided Along Racial, Ethnic, and Economic Lines

If you thought segregation was yesterday's issue, think again. A report released by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that 1 in 3 U.S. students...
Rulings Puerto Rico BELatina Latinx

Civil Rights Groups Ask Supreme Court to Overturn Racist Rulings Against Puerto Rico

Over the past few weeks, the debate over Puerto Rico's political status has been back on the table after a group of legislators reached...
Jovita Idar BELatina Latinx

Who Was Jovita Idar?

Celebrating the voices of our generation, those who break paradigms and blaze trails, is as important as recognizing the people who did the same...
Latinas Jobs BELatina Latinx

New Report Finds Latinas Are Dropping Out of the Job Market at an Alarming...

One of the most important consequences of the COVID pandemic has been the difficulty in understanding economic and labor indicators. While some perceive exponential...

5 Ways You Can Demand Justice for Victims of Police Brutality and Racist Attacks

In 2016, during an interview with Stephen Colbert on Late Show, Will Smith said: "Racism is not getting worse, It's getting filmed." The quote...
Obama BELatina Latinx 2020

Obama Calls On New Generation of African Americans to Change the Way Things Are...

Former President Barack Obama delivered a virtual commencement address to graduating students from historically black colleges and universities (HBCU) echoing the country's urgency for...
forgiveness BELatina MLK Jr

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: The Legacy of a Civil Rights Activist

Every year on the third Monday of January we remember and celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy. Observed for the first time on January...
Plasticos Bricks BELatina

Can These Lego-Like Bricks Alleviate Homelessness and Plastic Pollution?

That old saying about necessity is the mother of invention certainly rings true in places around Latin America, Asia, and Africa, where the availability...
Latina Latinx workforce

Latinas in the Job Market: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Much has been said about the projection of the Latino population in the coming years. We have not only become the country's largest ethnic...