Home Entertainment Afro-Latina Directed Short Film ‘Daughter of The Sea’ is Now Eligible for...

Afro-Latina Directed Short Film ‘Daughter of The Sea’ is Now Eligible for Academy Awards Nominations

Afro-Latina Directed Short Film 'Daughter of The Sea' is Now Eligible for Academy Awards Nominations belatina latine

“Daughter of the Sea” is a short film that captures the perseverance of all women, but through the eyes of a Latina. Shot in Puerto Rico, the 20-minute short has gained some significant traction and is now officially eligible to be nominated for Best Short Film at this year‘s Academy Awards.  

 Directed by Alexis Garcia, “Daughter of the Sea” came to fruition in part through a Netflix grant Garcia earned, several generous donations, and Garcia’s unwavering talent and vision.  


In case you’re new around here, Alexis Garcia hails from the Bronx, New York, and is an award-winning writer and director who focuses on Latine audience development and storytelling.  

A brief look at ‘Daughter of the Sea’

Mostly shot in Puerto Rico, what Garcia is able to accomplish visually in such a short time is breathtaking. From the layers of the story to the way the world was captured on camera, the “Daughter of the Sea” trailer is nothing short of spectacular. 

The film’s story and soul are mainly told through rich cinematography. In fact, the majority of the short consists of individual photographs with limited dialogue. It’s a journey of emotion and captivating visuals as Garcia takes you on an adventure with the film’s main character Yanise played by Princess Nokia, who embarks on a spiritual awakening after the death of her grandfather.   

Yanise embodies strength and vulnerability that many can relate to. The film brings to light the demands society places on women, especially women of color. At the same time, it is an homage to the rich culture and majestic beauty that lies within the island of Puerto Rico. From its architecture to its powerful shores, the landscape undeniably plays an important role in the dialogue of the film.  

If you love beautiful storytelling, I highly recommend “Daughter of the Sea”. Also, keep the name Alexis Garcia on your radar. You will be seeing a lot more from her! 

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