Home Politics Rogue for the Right Reasons: The Companies Taking a Stand Against Trump

Rogue for the Right Reasons: The Companies Taking a Stand Against Trump

Prominent and successful businesses like Amazon, Coca-Cola, Apple, JPMorgan Chase, Uber, Airbnb, Etsy, Facebook and dozens more are strongly and proudly supporting their consumers while condemning the President’s arbitrary policies on immigration, transgender rights and climate. All the companies taking a stand against Donald Trump are putting people before profits and have been offering a helping hand to those in need. 

A coalition is always the perfect opportunity for Trump to rant express his opinion and fired up on his favorite social media platform, Twitter, multiple messages attacking every single soul that publicly criticizes him. The companies and CEOs, as a protective measure, haven’t been wasting time and are always one step ahead of the game sharing statements to support the community. Find below a list of companies taking a stand against the Trump administration:

10 Immigration Policies 


When President Donald Trump issued the Executive Order 13769, under the title Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States, also known as the Muslim ban or travel ban, Airbnb Co-founder and CEO Brian Chesky offered free housing to every individual from Iran, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, and North Korea stranded in airports. 

9 Facebook

The social media Co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg penned an essay sharing the story of him and his wife immigrant and refugee origins. “We need to keep this country safe, but we should do that by focusing on people who actually pose a threat,” wrote Zuckerberg

8 Google

The multinational technology company created a crisis fund with millions of dollars to support four immigrant-rights organizations.

The American Civil Liberties Union, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, International Rescue Committee, and UNHCR had to their disposal a $4 million crisis fund to protect families and individuals in need. USA Today revealed that executives denounced the policy and sent a memo to their staff, which also were affected, expressing consternation. “”We’re concerned about the impact of this order and any proposals that could impose restrictions on Googlers and their families, or that could create barriers to bringing great talent to the U.S.,”  said the Internet giant in a statement. “We’ll continue to make our views on these issues known to leaders in Washington and elsewhere.” 

7 LinkedIn

Jeff Weiner, CEO of the employment-oriented service platform, invited to all refugees in the U.S. to apply at the company’s Welcome Talent program. 

“In partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), this week we will start providing financial resources and training to IRC staff to help newly settled refugees more quickly find jobs that leverage the skills they are bringing into the U.S. economy,” shared LinkedIn in a statement

6 Lyft

The ride-hailing app Co-founders John Zimmer and Logan Green committed to donate $1 million to the ACLU.

“We created Lyft to be a model for the type of community we want our world to be: diverse, inclusive, and safe. This weekend, Trump closed the country’s borders to refugees, immigrants, and even documented residents from around the world based on their country of origin. Banning people of a particular faith or creed, race or identity, sexuality or ethnicity, from entering the U.S. is antithetical to both Lyft’s and our nation’s core values,” said the company in a blog post. “We stand firmly against these actions, and will not be silent on issues that threaten the values of our community. We know this directly impacts many of our community members, their families, and friends. We stand with you and are donating $1,000,000 over the next four years to the ACLU to defend our constitution. We ask that you continue to be there for each other – and together, continue proving the power of community,” they continued

5 Netflix

Reed Hastings, media-services provider CEO took Facebook to call BS on Trump’s ban. 

“Trump’s actions are hurting Netflix employees around the world, and are so un-American it pains us all,” he wrote. 

4 Starbucks

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz speaks during the Starbucks Annual Shareholders Meeting on March 23, 2016 in Seattle, Washington. Schultz has pledged that the company will hire 10,000 refugees over the next five years in response to an immigration ban imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump.

The company pledged to hire refugees in 75 countries, and support DACA.

“Let me begin with the news that is immediately in front of us: we have all been witness to the confusion, surprise, and opposition to the Executive Order that President Trump issued on Friday, effectively banning people from several predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States, including refugees fleeing wars,” wrote Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz in a blog post. “In the face of recent events around the world, let me assure you that we will stay true to our values and do everything we can possibly do to support and invest in every partner’s well-being while taking the actions that are squarely within our ability to control. This is our focus: providing a Third Place of respite for those around the world who seek it, daily.”

3 Twitter

Ironically, Trump’s favorite social media platform is also against him. Twitter Co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey shared facts on how Syrian immigrants in the U.S. own the triple of business compared to a U.S.-born.

2 Transgender Policies

Fifty-six companies including Microsoft Corp., Nike, Inc., Lush Handmade Cosmetics, Marriott International, MassMutual, and MGM Resorts International, signed the “transgender equality” letter. As reported by The Huffington Post, the letter is a sharp response to a “rising tide of legislative and administrative attempts to further marginalize transgender, gender non-conforming and intersex people.” 

“We, the undersigned businesses, stand with the millions of people in America who identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex, and call for all such people to be treated with the respect and dignity everyone deserves,” reads the statement. “We oppose any administrative and legislative efforts to erase transgender protections through reinterpretation of existing laws and regulations. We also fundamentally oppose any policy or regulation that violates the privacy rights of those that identify as transgender, gender non-binary, or intersex.”

The Trump’s insensitive administration was considering declaring that there is no such thing as “transgender” and will exclude transgender and non-binary people from civil rights protections. After the President’s proposal, people rallied to support transgender rights and the National Center for Transgender Equality expressed in a tweet, it was an attack to the LGBTQ community. 

1 Environmental Policy


National Geographic

The official magazine of the National Geographic Society is keeping a track of all the terrible decisions that Donald Trump is taking and will negatively impact North America’s land, water, air, and wildlife

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