Home Our Cultura Astrology Full Moon in Cancer: Sensitivity as Our Superpower 

Full Moon in Cancer: Sensitivity as Our Superpower 

Photo courtesy of BELatina
Photo courtesy of BELatina

Keep your journal, soft blanket, and tissues near as the Full Moon in emotional Cancer arrives bringing our sensitivity to the surface and giving us complete permission for us to let our feelings flow. 

Arriving on Monday, January 17 (at 6:48 p.m EST to be exact) during the ambitious Capricorn season, this Full moon spotlights our intuition and self-nurturing as we honor our feelings and set powerful boundaries for our own bienestar! 

Deeply-buried fears, dreams, and secrets may arise during this moon since Pluto (commonly known as the transformer) is in opposition to the Moon. Beautiful music, aromatherapy, and some lovely velas can support gentle release – or intense wailing. The key is not to judge the way your feelings decide to be expressed. 

While feelings aren’t facts, they carry information. As many therapists say: “ we must feel it to heal it.”

The Old Farmer’s Almanac states that some Native American tribes have always called the first full moon of the year the ‘Full Wolf Moon’ because it takes place during the darkest and coldest part of winter – the part when the howling of the starving wolves can be heard throughout the night. 

We can expand this vision to look within and see if we also encounter inner needs and desires that remain undernourished while consciously nurturing our own “hungry wolves.” 

Nurture your “hungry wolf”

The Full Moon represents the most expansive arc in the moon phase journey. The dark moon (meaning no moon in the sky) is called New Moon and it’s about releasing what doesn’t serve. It also serves as a time to set intentions and seed new ideas for future harvests and realities. The crescents we see in the sky represent the waxing moon and symbolize how our intentions are taking root, therefore, evolving. As the Full Moon arrives, we have an opportunity to review our intentions, course correct to achieve our goals, rejoice in manifestation, and integrate the knowledge we have gathered since the dark moon.

We’ve done much reviewing prior to 2022 and are still in the process of integration. 

Beginning our year under the sign of Capricorn and setting up new foundations with decisiveness, we now get to sit back and ask ourselves: “how do I FEEL about the goals I’ve set forth for myself, family, or business and/or career?” 

When we started this year, we were inspired to move forward with energy. Now, before we continue our plans, we must address what is working. For example, if you accept a promotion that isn’t really for you and find yourself saddened and moody around work, you’ve got to address it and see how it can be course-corrected or shifted. 

It’s not a time to push through because “we have to,” it’s a time to acknowledge what is brewing beneath the surface so it doesn’t harm the foundations we are building. Speak to wise friends, mentors, a therapist, or even to yourself in a journal. What is flowing underground must come up for air so there can be clarity in your feelings, choices, and actions moving forward! 

Awareness is key

Mercury, the messenger, is in retrograde from January 14th until February 3rd. So, even if you’re wanting to change things up NOW, stay put with your awareness. Instead, review, recharge, and wait for any major decisions until after Mercury is direct. Remember lots of feelings are coming up but they are not to be acted on immediately. It’s time to sort through, gain clarity, and plan for action rather than jump on any major decision right at this moment.

Cancer represents the moon nurturing our mother and it’s symbolized by the crab. We notice the crab has a tough outer shell and a soft underside; folks with Cancer placements appear tough yet carry deep empathic gifts. For Cancers, intuitive gifts and inner knowledge have not always been regarded with esteem, and reclaiming that power has been a soulful journey. But it is time to pay attention whether you are sensing or seeing signs that are guiding you to your most aligned path. Jupiter, the expander is in Pisces (commonly known for spirit or intuition) and it’s waiting to create more clarity. This Full Moon is also a call to all empaths, the emotionally intuitive, also known as psychic sponges, to honor their gifts! 

How can you achieve this? Well, draw boundaries. Do not spend endless hours with folks who circle around the same issues every year – your time and mental health is top priority. Revive and practice limpia techniques, intentional showers, or baths where you say, “I release what is mine and not mine.” Try creating comforting spaces with a candle, flowers, a plant, crystals, or artwork. Emotional intuitives, it’s time to understand that your sensitivity is your superpower and you must feed it by tending to your Cancer ruled space, your casa! 

Working with the Full Moon in Cancer 

Draw that bath or shower, light a candle, and sit with your journal. Take that deep breath and allow yourself to BE as you are. All the feelings or none – your choice. Accept how you are in the HERE and NOW. Calling on your deepest wisdom and your powerful intuition, ask yourself the following:

  • What part of me still feels unseen and unheard? How can I see and hear myself now?
  • Where am I taking on other people’s problems, feelings, and issues?
  • Am I draining myself by ignoring my needs and overgiving? What do I need to do to feel loved and supported?
  • How am I still reliving a pattern passed down by my mother and how can I begin to release it? 
  • How are my cleansing or clearing techniques going? Or do I need to start some sort of home cleansing or limpia practice for myself? 
  • What do I most need to know right now in my life?

As you leave this sacred time, take some Holy Water, agua Florida, palo santo water, or even regular water and go to your front door. Once there, tap on it three times: mind/mente, body/cuerpo, and spirit/espiritu and say: “I release any heavy energies, pain, sadness, nostalgia, and ancestral pain. I embrace my deep intuition and honor myself with rest, self-care, and quiet time.”  You can go to each wall in your house and repeat this. This can be done with an Our Father or another Catholic prayer. Any words that flow through you asking for healing, clearing, and blessings work as well.

Words and feelings are a powerful energy. May we tap into the depth of our intuition, passions, and dreams. This will bless not only ourselves but our families and homes too. The more we bless, the more we bring forth the powerful spirit of goodness that resides in the world. A sentir y bendecir! 

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