Home Our Cultura Astrology Full Moon in Virgo: Boundaries and Beginnings

Full Moon in Virgo: Boundaries and Beginnings

Full Moon in Virgo BELatina Latinx
Photo courtesy of BELatina.

The final Full Moon before the Astrological New Year arrives on March 18, 2022, at 3:18 am EST in the analytical earth sign of Virgo. This last Moon comes in the last days of the Pisces (intuitive/sensitive) season and asks that we are as compassionate with ourselves as we tend to be with others. 

Virgo is service-oriented, and Pisces loves to support others. While they’re wildly different energies, they agree on service to others, sometimes over-giving. 

Releasing perfectionism, forgiving our inner critic, and setting boundaries will help us prepare for the Spring Equinox on March 20 and the Aries (fire/pioneer/warrior) season that begins on March 21. 

The Moon rules our emotional processes, our connection with our mother, and our intuition. In the Full Moon phase, it exemplifies a time of releasing, culmination, and integration. 

We’ve planted seeds and intentions for new beginnings, seeing their fruit on full moons. This full Moon in Virgo rules work, health, wellness, daily habits and routines, and discernment. 

Discernment is the ability to judge well. As we’ve seen our society divide over politics, presidents, covid, vaccines, war, to say the least of a long list, this Moon reminds us to pay attention and make our own judgments. 

One way to make our judgments and choices is through having boundaries. 

Lack of limits can create confusion, false expectations, and co-dependence. Virgo likes their relationships, environments, and work- tidy, so it’s time to clean up our act and benefit from stronger boundaries just in time for the Astrological New Year! 

Virgo does not suffer fools gladly and much less sheeple (people following the crowds like sheep.) As we move through evolutionary astrology, we are encouraged to keep peeling back societal layers, intergenerational trauma, and healing so we may uncover and exist as our fullest, most aware selves, not in a bubble but in a world that needs its citizens awake, discerning and kind. 

This month has been a needed respite as the planets have been stationed direct. With no retrogrades in the sky, we’ve been able to be more present and tending to the moment rather than reviewing and re-evaluating areas of our lives. 

Even with all planets direct, we’ve been forced to slow down with all the Pisces energy (Sun, Neptune, Mercury, and Jupiter.) This Piscean season may have felt restful and dreamy to some, uncomfortable to the more free and mobile of signs, and downright distasteful for those seeking immediate gratification! Projects, plans, and goals were slowed but will get intense forward movement as we enter Spring on March 20. We’ll all be forced to move much faster within days!

Messages for the Signs 


You’ve been knocking it out of the park, and the upcoming Aries Season will set you up for more significant ventures and greater visibility! If you’ve been wanting a promotion or a career change, know that it’s on its way and while you wait, set up boundaries to create more work/life balance because you’re going to need limits as you keep rocketing into the higher stratospheres! Take good care of yourself and trust that your hard work will pay off and that there is no need to overwork or do more. You are enough, more than enough!  


This Full Moon highlights your love and creativity sector and a deepening in a current relationship. A chance meeting that sparks romance or a new exciting project may fall into your lap! It’s ok to relax, play and enjoy your life now more than ever! Take the time and enroll in a class, organize some outings, and play, play, play! Never underestimate play and laughter as much creation, abundance, and genius grows from this energy! 


This Full Moon highlights your fourth house of family, ancestry, and foundations; continued intergenerational healing and transforming patterns are essential now. Allow yourself to receive love and support from trusty friends and family members. This too shall pass, and the healing will be life-changing! Start Spring cleaning as it will be cathartic.


Time to gaze upon new horizons and perspectives. This Moon brings situations to a culmination in the arena of siblings and communication.

Explore wellness and mindfulness techniques as your mind is overworked. This Full Moon in Virgo illuminates the third house of communication; therefore, some important news may come your way, creating closure and setting you free to move untethered onto your next adventure!  


You’ll be invited to check in with your values during this Moon as the 2nd house is highlighted. Take note of your self-worth and see if you’ve been settling for scraps anywhere in your life. A new job, promotion, or raise may be on its way, so get ready to move up or move on with ease! Treat yourself and your body to a spa treatment where you can be pampered and prepared for all the growth ahead!  


You tend to do what needs to be done to get the job done, and this Moon asks that you check in with how you’re really feeling about it. 

In your responsible zeal to meet deadlines, you may be leaving what you really want and need behind. This full Moon is a great time to reset your boundaries and make yourself a top priority. Leave behind burnout and energy vampires that may crowd around you and move towards more time off, delegation, and just saying, “no.” Time to recharge and reinvigorate through saying yes to less!  


With the Moon shining the light on the 12th house, you may need more rest than usual. You may likely be feeling emotionally drained and a tad overworked. Claim a bit of quiet time, healing time, nap time. You’ve been breaking intergenerational patterns, and your psyche needs time to integrate powerful lessons and new ways of being. Your inner guidance is whispering; take time to listen, and allow yourself spiritual practices that make you feel safe, loved, and supported because you genuinely are! 


Networking and community are fully empowered for you during this Full Moon. You’ll meet, reconnect, and receive support that brings you to the next project or opportunity! Don’t just observe. Allow yourself to speak your truth and listen to others to create new friendships or ventures. You’ll revisit boundaries with friends and may choose to spend time with new groups or organizations aligned to your values at this time! 


You’ve always known that your work must be more than a salary, that what makes you glow is being on purpose. This Full Moon shines the light on your career and public recognition sector. Step into the limelight! Know your skills and abilities, and if it’s time to move on, you’ll very likely choose a place that is even more aligned than where you are now. If you stay, you may be able to move into another position that allows you to grow and flourish in a way that feels out of this world!  


This lunation brings aligned downloads and a cosmic wake-up call to listen to your inner guidance. Everything you need is already within. Take the time to quiet your mind and the “doing” of daily life so that a more mystical side can be heard. You are questioning your belief systems and aligning with more expansive ways of moving in the world as the intuitive, cosmic citizen you are! Spiritual practices are everything for you right now, and they will be foundational to your next steps on your life path!


The light shines on your doubts and fears with this Moon- it’s time for shadow work and deep soul diving. Taking responsibility for your part in any relationship or situation that has reached its natural destination is key now. Devote yourself to facing self-sabotage and limiting mindsets, as you will be very successful if you persist! During these times, it’s ok not to be the shoulder for everyone to cry on and allow yourself to accept the love and support of those who want so very much to support you. 


Pisces, you always want to merge souls, and this lunation highlights the deep need to be one with a loved one and the need to be your own authentic and separate being. Much like the fishes swimming in different directions, you are invited to have both somehow! Reviewing both business and romantic relationships and creating boundaries may be uncomfortable but highly recommended. 

You will be able to have more clarity and more intimacy if you know where you begin and end. Protect your energy and practice some clearing and self-protection exercises. Prophetic dreams and messages from the other side will be finding their way to you!  

From the Full Moon on March 18 to the Spring Equinox on the 20th and the Aries Season on the 21st, take time to take a cleansing bath. Clear your home with sage/Agua Florida or incense, mop floors, open windows, and set intentions to release what no longer serves. Giveaway or clear out clothes, items, and furniture crowding up your space. 

Speak, dance, paint, sing your intentions into being! The New Year begins, and Spring brings expansive juju so we can blossom, cavort, flirt, and create a new! Make way for beginnings! 

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