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Take Action Today to Potentially Help Protect the Health of All Tomorrow

It’s Time the Latino Community Take Charge of Their Health – Here's How

For many families, health is a top priority. There are ways we can potentially get ahead of illnesses to help protect ourselves and those around us. After all, Latines are constantly working toward helping their families and loved ones. 

This has a lot to do with the domino effect on Latine families. Because we often live in multigenerational homes that include older adults and young children, who are more at risk for becoming sick, Latine families commonly take steps to make sure that the entire family is healthy.  

One of the obstacles that can stand in our way is a lack of access to health resources. 

Joining Clinical Trials for the Sake of the Community

Being part of a clinical trial studying an investigational vaccine is one way to potentially help protect your family and community. As viruses are constantly changing, harmful new strains could emerge and spread globally at any given time, potentially impacting you and your family. That’s why it is important to advance research of investigational vaccines to see if they can safely protect people against infections caused by viruses.  

Many viruses have already traveled around the world. The avian flu and swine flu, sometimes referred to as bird flu and pig flu, respectively, are examples of animal viruses. In rare cases, these viruses can mutate and infect humans.1 These mutations can lead to rapid-spreading outbreaks, because people don’t naturally carry immunities to the new influenza (flu) strains.1 Without people willing to join clinical trials, researching investigational vaccines that can potentially address these global flu strains would not be possible. 

Why Diverse Participation Matters

People of color, including Latines, are underrepresented in clinical trials.2,3 This underrepresentation is an issue, because certain populations can have different responses to medications and vaccines.  

Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in a clinical trial. When clinical trials have a diverse group of participants, it helps researchers evaluate the safety and effectiveness of investigational medications and vaccines across communities. 

You can help bridge the representation gap by joining a clinical trial. Start this process today by learning about the Odyssey Trial.   

What Is the Odyssey Trial?

The Odyssey Trial’s mission is to begin evaluating the safety and effectiveness of certain investigational global flu vaccines. In the end, this will potentially help to support development of a vaccine that is safe and effective for everyone. By participating in this clinical trial, you will help advance research to potentially create a healthier life for all—including your own community.  

You’ll also be able to learn about several investigational messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines. Your participation in this clinical trial will not only help advance research of investigational mRNA global flu vaccines, but it may also support the development of investigational vaccines for other infectious diseases in the future.   

If you’re thinking about participating or sharing this information with a loved one, make sure you (or they) are eligible: 

  • Be 18 years of age or older  
  • Have a body mass index between 18 kg/m2 and 39 kg/m2 
  • Not be pregnant  

What to Expect

Your participation in the Odyssey Trial should last about 7 months. 

  • You will have a total of 7 scheduled clinic visits and 4 scheduled phone calls to check in about any side effects 
  • You will be given 1 injection in the upper arm during your first clinic visit (Day 1) and 1 injection in the upper arm during your third clinic visit (Day 22) 
  • You will have blood drawn during some clinic visits 
  • You must enter whether you experience any flu symptoms and/or side effects into a symptom-reporting electronic diary (eDiary) every day for 7 days after receiving each injection 
  • Enrolling in this clinical trial is completely your choice. You may stop participating in the clinical trial at any time, and you do not have to give a reason for doing so
  • Compensation for your trial-related time may be provided 

Creating a better tomorrow can only start by showing up today. Whether it’s for your family, your community, or future generations, you can help us potentially change the future of worldwide flu outbreaks by participating in the Odyssey Trial.  

Interested in Joining?

To learn more, you can visit OdysseyFluTrial.com 


  1. How flu viruses can change: “drift” and “shift.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published December 12, 2022. Accessed January 9, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/viruses/change.htm 
  2. 2020 Drug Trials Snapshots Summary Report. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Accessed May 1, 2023. https://www.fda.gov/media/145718/download 
  3. 2020 U.S. population more racially and ethnically diverse than measured in 2010. U.S. Census Bureau. Updated August 12, 2021. Accessed April 28, 2023. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/08/2020-united-states-population-more-racially-ethnically-diverse-than-2010.html 
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