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Learning To Live Beyond Deadlines, How the Pandemic Changed Our Perspective on Life Projects

Deadlines Pandemic BELatina Latinx
Image courtesy of BELatina.

It is no secret that our lives and expectations have changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began. The deadlines we had set for our five-year plan have been wholly delayed or postponed until further notice.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry; you are not alone.

The past two years have been a heavy ride. Now more than ever, life teaches us to reorganize our projects and be prepared for the unexpected.

Goals change on the fly, we have to reorient our life projects, and even our lifelong dreams must be discarded.

The pandemic taught us that it’s okay to take a step back.

Before the world was suspended during the worst public health crisis in a century, we led such fast-paced lives that we didn’t realize how our lives were passing us by. The hustle and bustle of work, our obsession with our emails, debt, deadlines… everything changed.

We were so tied to our robotized daily routines that the pandemic uncomfortably forced us to stop and rethink everything from scratch.

For those of us who were able to continue working from home, the lesson was to learn that the little things make the difference. We now recognize that life should not be spent stuck in traffic, for example.

For others, the pandemic opened new horizons. It made them think about what was missing in their careers and inspired them to go back to school.

“I work in the child development field. When the pandemic hit, I had to think more about mental health awareness while I was working from home to ease the parent’s concerns. That inspired me to grow and learn how to further support children,” non-profit head start site supervisor Wendolin Hernandez says. “I’m going back to school to learn how to advocate more about mental health in these children’s lives.”

“Being a daughter of first-generation parents, I never had that mental support, so now it’s my turn to learn how to provide it for others,” she added.

This is just one testimony of how COVID-19 changed people’s goals. In addition, others are deciding to take it a step further and actually leave their careers to pursue a more balanced lifestyle.

According to WebMD: “Since March 2020, millions of Americans have left jobs for positions they believe offer a better balance between their personal and professional lives. In fact, the trend is so significant that workplace experts have described it as ‘The Great Resignation.’

So, it’s no wonder we feel the itch to try something new or completely change our life timelines. After all, it’s better to take a chance than think about what might have been, right?

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