Home Politics How Gender Politics Hindered Elizabeth Warren’s Victory

How Gender Politics Hindered Elizabeth Warren’s Victory

Elizabeth Warren Gender Politics BELatina Latinx

To see one of the most solid candidates for the primary nomination have her campaign hampered by the simple fact of being a woman is one of the saddest symptoms of the hetero-patriarchal reality that the United States is living.

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren has not only managed to rally a powerful grassroots political movement around her proposals, but has also challenged the strongest socio-economic structures in the country.

However, by Super Tuesday, both her supporters and the most objective analysts have painfully admitted that the candidate will not achieve the Democratic nomination, giving way again to a competition between two heterosexual white men.

The reason behind her failure to win states like her own, Massachusetts, is due to one reason alone: gender politics.

“Warren has had a consistent gender imbalance when it comes to male and female voters,” Ella Nilsen wrote in her analysis for Vox. “While she typically performs well among women (both in her home state and nationally), men present much more of a challenge. That was true on Super Tuesday as well.”

Despite strong support from educated youth, women, and minorities, Warren was stymied by the lack of support from white men without college degrees who, in places like Massachusetts, represent 55 percent of the electorate.

According to a recent Suffolk poll of 2020 candidates, this trend is projected nationwide where, while Warren leads the women’s vote, men continue to turn their backs on her.

And while “diversity” apologists may argue that Latinos support Sanders while AfricanAmericans support Biden, gender politics is rooted in entirely different prejudices and moral precepts. 

For Alicia Garza, activist and founder of the Black to the Future Action Fund, “The reality is women voters are an incredibly important constituency in this upcoming election. However, her voter turnout is still lower.”

The alternative, for Garza, is the incorporation of Warren on the ballot, whoever the candidate is.

“I feel very strongly that if she does not make it to the convention, she should be the main pick for vice president,” Garza said to the Washington Post. “It can’t just be any woman. It only helps to have a woman on the ticket if that woman is unapologetic in talking about how being a woman shapes our lives … if that woman can rally women across race, class and geography. We don’t want a woman who’s going to talk about how gender doesn’t matter.”

On Thursday morning, Warren finally announced the suspension of her campaign, after a year of mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people, after having emerged victorious from most of the debates, after having put forward the most proposals with her promise of “a plan for everything,” and without ever losing strength or will.

Even in her farewell message, Warren continued to inspire her team and supporters, assuring,The fight goes on.”

“When I left one place, I took everything I’d learned before and all the good ideas that were tucked into my brain and all the good friends that were tucked in my heart, and I brought it all forward with me and it became part of what I did next,” the senator wrote. “This campaign is no different. I may not be in the race for president in 2020, but this fight our fight is not over. And our place in this fight has not ended.”

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