Home Entertainment Celeb Los Espookys’ Star Julio Torres Admits Being a Fan of Secondary Characters...

Los Espookys’ Star Julio Torres Admits Being a Fan of Secondary Characters and Disliking Main Ones

Credit: Instagram

Season 2 of HBO’s primary Spanish-language comedy Los Espookys was released during the month of September —  just in time for the spooky season — and its co-creator, writer, and star Julio Torres has been working on a lot of different projects ever since.

If you haven’t watched this show, Los Espookys is a comedy focusing on a group of friends who love all things scary and decide to turn their love for eeriness into a business. Their story develops in a Latin-American country.

During an interview with National Public Radio’s (NPR) It’s Been A Minute podcast, Torres confessed his love for secondary characters and admitted to hating main characters’ energy.

Based on the actor’s projects and his children’s book I Want to Be a Vase, host Brittany Luse mentioned to Torres that she feels like he is inclined to engage and draw attention to “things that are overlooked in a sense.”

“As a kid, I was always very into secondary characters — things that weren’t supposed to be the focus. The kind of people that I’m attracted to are the kind of people that wouldn’t be main characters,” Torres told the podcast’s host.

The talented Los Espookys co-creator also said that as a writer, he is in charge of putting words in people’s mouths, and writing about inanimate objects makes things easier for him, as he considers them a “perfect canvas.”

The actor added that he seeks to give meaning and emotion to things that people do not necessarily pay much attention to.

Creativity as Julio Torres’ superpower

His unique Instagram handle @spaceprincejulio was also brought up during NPR’s interview, which led the host to ask about where he considers himself prince of. 

“I think nowhere. You know what, I think it’s sort of like traveling. Like I’m here for a little bit, but I don’t know where I’ll be next,” Torres responded. 

It seems that this talented Latino makes creativity look like an easy task, as everything he puts his hands on becomes a source of art. 

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