Home Video ‘Somos Good News’ is Filled with Mucho Sazón This Week

‘Somos Good News’ is Filled with Mucho Sazón This Week

The leader of good news, John Krasinski, had one of the largest graduating classes the US has ever seen this week. He set out to congratulate the graduates of 2020 by providing his viewership with a diploma template. This act was significant as graduation was cancelled for many due to the pandemic. Numerous graduates uploaded their personalized SGN diploma to their social media in hopes of recognition from ‘Somos Good News”. Staying true to their mission, “Some Good News” did not disappoint. Many students were congratulated and recognized for their academic achievements in SGN’s social media. 



Continuing John Krasisnki’s lead, BELatina News has created yet another episode of their own version of “Some Good News” with “Somos Good News.” In this BELatina News original series, people will find comfort in news coverage that is good for the soul. Just like Krasinski’s initiative this week, “Somos Good News” also recognized many people. 

Hosts, Katherine Castro and Angela Carrasco, report about a nonprofit organization, Conga Kids, determination to continue to serve their students. They took the time to create an online platform apt for virtual dance lessons. After noticing the positive impact their lessons had on their student’s, Conga Kids opened up their class to everyone. These online classes became free of charge on May 1st for the public. 

The episode features Yanira Soriano, too. She is a woman from New York City, who contracted COVID-19 while pregnant. Her condition accelerated so much that doctors were forced to put her in a medically-induced coma. Thus, hooking her up to a ventilator. She remained in a critical condition for 11 days. During this time, she gave birth to her son via c-section. Though things looked bleak for her at some point, she prevailed against the coronavirus. 

“Somos Good News” presents the recovered mother holding her baby for the first time. It was a beautiful sight to say the least.

To maintain the high spirits of this episode, Castro and Carrasco also touch upon Kenan Thompson’s SNL character, “Big Papi.” As many of you may already know, Thompson’s “Big Papi” character plays homage to the Dominican baseball player, David Ortiz. 

In the skit highlighted, “Big Papi” takes us into the process of making a Dominican lunch. He chose sancocho, or in other words: Dominican Republic in a bowl, as the focus of his menu. However, he added extra ingredients. One can assume this was done with the purpose to personalize his flavor. “Big Papi” had some help making his meal as well. “Big Bunny” made an appearance to showcase his products, allowing “Big Papi” to cook everything in time. 

Flavor seems to be the theme of this episode and there’s nothing wrong with that. Besides, what Latin person isn’t accustomed to some sazón? 

Speaking of flavor, two Cuban medical professionals made an appearance on “Somos Good News” this week. They showed the world their spice flaunting salsa moves that so many of us love seeing. The song they danced to was, “Quedate en casa,” by Havana D’ Primera which couldn’t have been more appropriate considering our current situation. 

There’s no denying that there’s a lot of movement going on around the world. Especially in our Latin community. This is a true testament to our resilience even in the hardest of times. 

Stay tuned for more “Somos Good News” next week. Remember, amid the pandemic, good news continues to surface.

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