Home Our Cultura Astrology Full Moon in Pisces: Go with the Flow

Full Moon in Pisces: Go with the Flow

Full Moon in Pisces: Go with the Flow belatina latine

Arriving mid-Virgo season, which is known for organization and keen judgments, this Full Moon in Pisces is forcing many to abandon overscheduling and go with the flow. With that in mind, the Full Moon on September 10 at 5:59 am EST fills the sky and invites us to release form, and tend to our grief or loss as we commit to faith over fear. 

At this point, There is no use trying to control much besides our tempers or interactions because several retrogrades are in motion. They are guiding us to review, reconsider and rehash so we can move forward in October – finally! 

Full moons are always a time of completion and integration and in Pisces (spirit/intuition) we are urged to rest, contemplate, dream, and recharge. 

There is a lot of work going on in the subconscious realm and giving our bodies and conscious brain some downtime is what the doctor ordered. This Full Moon reaches its “fullness” while Mercury, the messenger, goes into its final retrograde for 2022. 

It’s a time to be mindful of communication, technology, and travel as delays and miscommunications may be more likely. 

The Full Moon is also in conjunction with Neptune (dissolution/fantasy/spirituality) and so we may be asking, “what is going on? I can not see my way through the fog!” So, we are asked to surrender control of knowing where we are headed and trust the process. 

The Full Harvest Moon 

The September Full Moon also goes by the “Harvest Moon” according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac due to its closeness to the fall equinox and its unique timing. 

The Full Harvest Moon, unlike the other full moons, rises almost at the same time at sunset for several consecutive evenings. During this time, before the equinox, journaling about this year’s projects, emotional growth, and changes we are hoping for is a great way to stay aligned with the lunar cycle that affects both nature and humans. 

It’s a perfect time to take stock, celebrate, and prepare for the winter – emotionally speaking. 

Making the most of this Full Moon 

As we begin to enter a season of retrogrades – meaning that we will be reviewing things before we can move forward in many areas of life – it’s important to cleanse. 

Water is key during the Pisces moon. Preparing a special dead sea salt bath (or with some lavender drops), doing a limpia with an egg, or flowers is important now. It may be as simple as taking a shower, imagining beautiful light pouring through the water, and stating:

“I release everything that is mine and not mine that no longer serves.

 I no longer feel the need to carry the pain of the world, my family, or my workplace on my shoulders. 

I reclaim my lightness and my joy.” 

Collectively, the energy of confusion or fear of the unknown may be rising; creating a sanctuary for our well-being is needed. 

Set intentions such as the following.

 “I am ready to release all illusions and to see clearly. I now embrace my deep intuition and know and trust it to guide me through this time.”

 Of course, remember to drink more water than usual. When we set intentions for clearing, releasing the added water will help keep us supported through the process!

A quick vibe for each sign this New Moon

Remember to check out your rising and moon signs as well!


This Full Moon inspires you to pay more attention to your health and wellness. The small habits you nurture now will be creating forward momentum in terms of energy and stamina. On the Full Moon, engage your inner knowing and ask your higher self what the next steps for you this month through meditation or journaling are. Drink lots of water y cuidate mucho! Even the energetic ram needs to chill sometimes.


The sun in Virgo is a mutable Earth sign known for its perfectionism and the Full Moon in Pisces (water sign) invites you to more self-compassion and self-acceptance. Explore the many ways that you have been critical of yourself through exacting standards. Yes, you can have your best life and that flows from self-love and thriving in your unbounded esencia! Embrace your humanidad and explore more being than doing!


You’ve been out and about more than usual, and this Sun and Venus in Virgo are asking you to tend to your inner needs and your home. Where are you investing your energy, and does it serve you currently?  As you move through and clear what has worn out its welcome, you’ll feel the power of this Full Moon preparing you for what’s to come! For us to manifest new beginnings, we must release lo que ya se le pasó el tiempo!


This Full Moon in Pisces is inviting you to recognize and celebrate yourself! Getting things done is secondhand for you, so you don’t tend to pause and really let your successes sink in. Journaling is a great tool for you now as you list your values, successes, and talents. The energy of the fish asks that you tap into your self-love and forgive where you have been defensive or held back due to fear. This new vision of yourself will align you to your next best opportunity, career move, or relationship! Let amor propio be your fuel! 


You’ve been carrying more than usual lately, Leo, and it’s dimming your brilliant light. If you’ve been feeling exhausted, please look to draining relationships or situations that you’ve allowed to continue. While it’s understandable that some relationships will require distancing, there are some that have run their course! They can no longer use you as an on-call therapist, psychic, or clown to lighten their load. Say it kindly, but say it clear. 


The Full Moon spotlights your relationships and the reciprocity of giving and receiving. Our connections are at the heart of belonging, well-being, and personal fulfillment. As a service-oriented sign, you tend to give much of your time and/or support. It’s time to look more closely at how much energy you are investing into one-sided connections. It’s okay to focus on greener pastures, be kind pero firme. 


The subconscious has tremendous power over our daily lives and this Full Moon brings an opportunity for you to dialogue with that part of yourself. Whether you choose meditation, oracle cards, or connecting to nature, give your mind and body the break it needs to perceive beyond the conscious veil of the mundane. Work is ramping up, your spirit needs more attention and this type of self-care will take you farther than you can envision. Even daily breath work or yoga could help you release tension and flow with greater ease y paz! 


The Universe is inviting you to network and expand your opportunities! You’ve gone through some changes and your courage and ability to show up are admirable. This Full Moon asks you to pay attention to what lights you up from within. You are not the same person that started your current work/career and there’s still more change on the horizon! Nurturing your needs while connecting with others will bolster your vision and help you navigate the heart-felt goals you have set for yourself. Get ready, ya vienen!  


While you’ve been making strides, you’ve also been settling for less than you deserve. If you are ready to do the work (and you always are!), your career options are opening up now! You have more friends, experience, and qualifications than you know. When you take stock and update your resume, you’ll be surprised! The Full Moon will get you dreaming bigger and stepping out on new caminos!   


The Full Moon in Pisces is highlighting your genius zone –  your expertise and career. Others in your profession are noticing you and singing your praises. Your confidence is well-earned, and you’re invited to lean into new information, communication, and exploration. Stepping out into unchartered territories will give you the growing edge as you navigate feeling uncomfortable! The new things will become a source of added strength and pride as you continue your journey to your lofty ambiciones! 


You’ve reviewed your priorities for the New Moon and the Full Moon in Pisces invites you to stay firm on what you’ve decided. Your conviction and dedication are creating waves in the Universe and aligning you to what’s next! Stay true and ignore naysayers as you usually do. Your unique ability to offer the public what they want and need will take you far –  siempre!


You’re an empath extraordinaire, taking on the emotions of the room – and this Full Moon asks that you do a deep cleansing, healing, or a clearing! You’re carrying waaay too much for those around you and it’s getting in the way of your mood and your perception. Folks are reading you as defensive when what you really are is overwhelmed and a bit tired. Make time for yourself so you can center your own needs. Once you get clear, your intuition will be ready to deliver some beautiful visions and support around healing relationships – starting with the one with yourself. It’s a lifelong awareness and process y no estas sola! Your Angels and guides are with you all the way! 

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