Home Our Cultura Astrology New Moon in Libra: Re-evaluating and Manifesting Relationships

New Moon in Libra: Re-evaluating and Manifesting Relationships

New Moon in Libra: Re-evaluating and Manifesting Relationships belatina latine

This New Moon in Libra arrives on Sunday, September 25 at 5:54 p.m ET amidst a chorus of planets moving backward; six planets are in retrograde, to be exact. 

Every year, the New Moon spotlights love. However, this year with Mercury (communication), Jupiter ( luck), Saturn (discipline), Uranus (transformer), Neptune (spirituality), and Pluto (transformation) in retrograde our needs, values, and romantic relationships may trigger us. It may even uncover information that can help us deepen our relationships and heal. 

What this New Moon means

New Moons are always about seeding new beginnings, ideas, and intentions – this New Moon is about making those transitions we’ve been intentional most of this year! The forthcoming New Moon is the first lunar happening of the new season, which is occurring in the middle of a Mercury retrograde. 

The retrograde in the messenger planet has turned our technology, plans, and our communications upside down. 

So, we are invited to recalibrate our thoughts around love and our relationships. Although the New Moon shines a way forward, we should be cautious in – impulsively – taking that leap. Review, recognize, and re-establish your new priorities. Prepare to transition – just not yet! Old projects and plans may get unearthed with a different perspective and revive your interest again! 

The New Moon in the sign of Libra is a cardinal, action-oriented air sign. It is symbolized by the scales and ruled by the planet Venus and transporter of love, beauty, and values during Libra season. Now, it nudges us to ask if our needs for beauty, art, and justice are being met inviting us to explore these parts of ourselves! 

A  makeover may be on the horizon for you, as well as surrounding yourself with your version of beauty! Think of inserting more lush nature, activism, a new branding photoshoot for your small business, or new furniture that adds an element of sophistication, and appreciation to your senses! 

Jupiter, the planet of luck and blessings, is retrograding in Aries (warrior) – and opposes the New Moon – is showering us with extra enthusiasm, courage, and confidence! While it’s a blessing, be mindful of overcommitting or taking things too personally. 

Working with this New Moon

Each New Moon sets up a six-month cycle around the visions and intentions you want to manifest in the coming months. When the Full Moon returns in the same sign, the six months are complete and we must integrate the intentions set! For this moon in Libra, the focus is on relationships and collaborations.

Take a moment to breathe, and set up a little altar or area focused on this manifestation work. Add stones or images that inspire balance and collaboration. Then, light a candle. Keep a journal near and begin to write the vision you have for relationships – take your time! Really allow yourself to feel the love, connection, and gratitude for the ones you have – and the collaborations you are calling in! Write everything in the present tense. 

After that, close your eyes and envision your relationship deepening, a prosperous meant-to-be business partnership unfolding, and all manner of aligned connections for the next six months!

“I am open to receiving powerful, 

honest and mutually supportive relationships and

 collaborations in my life, now!”

Each sign’s quick vibe for this New Moon in Libra

Remember to check out your rising and moon signs as well!


This New Moon lights up your seventh house of relationships. It is adding extra zest if you’re already in a partnership and igniting you to charge forward into dating if it’s been a while! Also, check in to see how much you are giving and receiving in current relationships as this isn’t always the best. Too much de una cosa no te conviene!


You’re encouraged to update wellness routines and create more balance between work and play as this moon lights up your sixth house of health, habits, and wellness. Book some rest in your full schedule. Don’t leave the workout for tomorrow when you can do it hoy and be grateful tomorrow when you feel de lo mejor! 


Finger paints, sleepovers, and playdates are all fair game when this New Moon lights up your fifth house of creativity, inner child, and flirtation! Creativity without a goal is on the menu, bringing you all kinds of sorpresas! ¡A jugar un poco!


You don’t need too much of a push to reminisce, Cancer, as you adore your memories! And that’s okay, especially with this New Moon. Well, this New Moon lights up your fourth house of home, family, and ancestors. You might be considering selling or buying a home. Deep clean the house, play the music that reminds you of days gone by and scrapbook those photos, digitally or the old-fashioned way! ¡Date el gusto de tus recuerdos!


The spotlight on your inner teacher and communicator gets turned up as this New Moon ignites your third house of communication, short travels, and social media. Get to writing and/or speaking. Or, create the podcast or book you’ve been dreaming about! ¡Ya es hora!


The New Moon inspires you to review your budget and financial goals. Applying to the next level promotion or a new career path that can inject more economic benefits and deep satisfaction is the best strategy to take now! Envision your goals manifesting and get creative about how you will invest the extra income! 


This New Moon in your sign brings the focus to you. Yes, your first house of self is lit up during this moon, and both shadow work and celebrating is in order! True to the Libra nature of justice and equilibrio, take note of how far you’ve come and bask in the accomplishments! Deep dive into the triggers that may still drag you down and continue to do the work. This is your time and you’re not letting anyone – not even yourself – get in the way. ¡Felicidades!


Your twelfth house of spirituality, solitude, rest, and endings is spotlighted with this New Moon. So, it’s a perfect time to take time off, take a nap, and allow yourself to disengage if only for a bit. Your soul wants to guide you to the next evolution and rest will give your dreams an opportunity to carry deep messages and knowledge. Take notes of your dreams and notice feelings, inner guidance, or repeating numbers and music. Your subconscious is preparing you to grieve losses and prepare for the new version of yourself that you are becoming! Descansa y ten fe.


With the New Moon in the eleventh house of friendships and networking, it’s time to book time with friends and explore new communities for career and/or business! Pay attention to new contacts and don’t hesitate if there is an affinity. A suggested mantra to use is,” I am attracting aligned partnerships and networking opportunities now!” Shine your best self forward!


This is a well-aspected New Moon for the ambitious Capricorn! This New Moon lights up your house of career, recognition, and reputation. A new job, a promotion, and new opportunities are near, so stay on track. Don’t hold back and allow yourself to truly inhabit and embody the professional you are! ¡A crecer se ha dicho! 


Time to start a new training or take a well-deserved trip! The New Moon is lighting up your ninth house of adventure, higher education, and travel. You’ve done your best and supported those around you. Now, it’s time to focus on your own expansion and self-empowerment. A retreat or adventure will ignite your spirit! ¡A volar! 


The eight houses of death, transformation, and death invite you to take a closer look at what haunts you. In order to thrive, we must heal, forgive, and integrate our soul’s lessons to allow for continued growth. You’re at that precipice and ready! Dive deep sirena, and know that this too shall pass. Prepare to take flight. ¡El Universo ya tiene tú boleto!

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