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No Self-Love? No Problem: You Can Get Affirmations Emailed to You Every Day

Experts argue that self-love is an important, if not the most important, part of living a happy, fulfilled, and inspired life. And yet, many of us do not practice self-love. We spend all our energy and time supporting  others. We instinctively offer love to friends or family members in need of a confidence boost, and then we so quickly forget the importance of loving and valuing ourselves.

And even those of us who do love ourselves can fall into a habit of pushing that love to the sidelines in favor of offering our support to others. While loving others is beneficial, if we are not constantly affirming our self-love, then our mental, emotional and physical health can suffer.

If that sounds familiar, don’t worry; you’re only human. You’re certainly not the only one who forgets to practice self-compassion on a regular basis. And the really good news is that you don’t have to take on the burden of self-love by yourself. It’s 2019 and if you need more self-love, there’s an email for that. With Dulce email affirmations you can get self-love sent to your email inbox every week.

3 Why is Self-Love So Important?

Every Monday Morning

The first step to embracing self-love is to understand why it’s so important. Part of the reason self-love can positively impact your life — and a lack of self-love can have negative implications — is because it’s crucial you focus on your own approval and satisfaction, rather than the judgment of others.

According to research by Jennifer Crocker, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research, as reported by the American Psychological Association, “people who base their own self-worth on what others think and not on their value as human beings might pay a mental and physical price.” In her study, college students who relied solely on the approval of others reported higher levels of stress, more relationship conflicts and substance abuse, to name a few harmful consequences.

And the type of self-love you practice matters too. You can’t just focus on your faults as a way to motivate change or to improve who you are. You need to focus on what you have to offer and what makes you special, and then use that uniqueness and appreciation as a starting point for self-compassion. Deborah Khoshaba Psy.D. wrote in Psychology Today: “self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth.”

It’s not about just being happy with how you look or what you accomplish, but also about growing as a person by embracing your strengths, your weaknesses, your individual gifts and your purpose. And real self-love is all about you, and it only occurs when you can “recognize and appreciate your intrinsic value as a human being,” explains Christiana Star, psychologist and author in an article for Psych Central.

2 Practicing Self-Love Regularly is Crucial

It sounds like a lofty goal, especially for those of us dedicated to caring for and loving others (moms, you know what we’re talking about). But self-compassion matters, and being true to yourself and really embracing self-acceptance consistently is a crucial step towards being the best version of yourself. But how do you start? What if you’re just not feeling the self-love?

No self-love? No problem. Dulce is an email newsletter service that was started by India Perez-Urbano, a medical student looking to help empower and uplift other women who needed a reminder of how amazing they are. She named her email service after her late grandmother, Dulce Adriana Perez, with the goal of serving as a virtual cheerleader to women everywhere. Whether you need an affirmation to motivate you, to wake you up, to warm your heart or make you smile, by signing up for Dulce’s emails you’ll receive prose, poetry, affirmations and reminders weekly, delivered right to your inbox.

1 Created for Women by Women

And quite possibly the best part about Dulce is that the content is all created by the sisterly community that Perez-Urbano is creating. Users can submit their own content as well, so you aren’t just reading meaningless quotes, you’re reading personal affirmations from other women who share your struggles and your successes.

According to her website, “Dulce is an act of resistance that believes in the power of self-infatuation; nourishes the acceptance of what is, what is not, and what could be; and honors women of color through prose collected from our own sisterly community.”

An email subscription and community that is all about helping you love yourself and helping others feel the love as well…that’s something we can get behind. Dulce launched on December 31st, so you can sign up now and experience the love.

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