Home Moda & Beauty Beauty As More People Become Wary of a Possible Recession, Talk About ‘Recession...

As More People Become Wary of a Possible Recession, Talk About ‘Recession Core’ Fashion is Taking Over on TikTok

TikTok is engaged in an interesting discourse pertaining to fashion at the moment.  

Many TikTok users are trying to predict the direction of 2023 fashion trends and one of those trends is tied to the likely recession that is upon the United States.  

If you’re familiar with the movie “The Devil Wears Prada,” you can recall how Miranda Priestly, played by the ever-talented Meryl Streep, says that fashion is tied to everything. Therefore, the prevalence of the economic climate is a factor that influences society’s fashion choices.  

This is where the recession core comes into play. Characterized for its muted nature, it symbolizes the minimalistic lifestyle people are prompted to partake in when the economy is unstable. Daily Fashion states that during perilous times or periods, fashion prevails over more practical and sensible trends.  

Furthermore, if the economy is thriving, newer styles are introduced to people, since the economy’s health allows people to afford them. However, when the financial standing of the country is underperforming, trends are recycled and seem to be more repetitive in an attempt to appeal to people’s personal financial situation. 

What is TikTok saying

As TikTok users note, recession core marked its presence when public figures started foregoing jewelry or including it minimally in their final looks.  

This created a trend where quiet luxury, comfortable apparel, and neutrals are en route to dominating this year (based on qualities of recession core), changing from what was trending a couple of years ago. During the height of the pandemic, for instance, neon, bright colors, chunky jewelry, and loud aesthetics were “in.” For many, this was a way to add some positivity and semblance of happiness into their lives, which was scarce during the lockdowns and bouts of uncertainty.  

This isn’t the first time this happens though. As history tends to repeat itself, we can take a brief walk down memory lane into the Great Recession of 2008. Minimalism, from fashion to home décor, was also adopted. And an essay written by fashion writer Kennedy Fraser in 1974 echoed the influence of the economy on fashion when she wrote, “The old interest in the cautious principle of spending more on fewer clothes of better quality is back.” 

As many prepare for this familiar fashion wave, TikTok users are sharing their thoughts on the clothing items that will be in high demand this year.  

Find some of these viewpoints below. 


#greenscreen Thoughts? #recessioncore #celebstyle #fashionhistory #trendpredictions #quietluxury

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youtube deeper dive on the 08 crisis, style, protest, and culture and how it relates to today is up 🙂 i’ll post the link in comments #2008recession #2008recessioncore #recessioncore #fashiontok #trendforecasting #trendforecast #trendpredictions #2023trendpredictions

♬ Day After Tomorrow – Phoebe Bridgers


Recession core or quiet luxury I don’t know how to call this style | #fyp #inspo #aesthetic #recessioncore #quietluxury #dc #fashiotrend #itgirl #coolgirl #2023

♬ Sure Thing (sped up) – Miguel

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