Home Our Poder Making Líder Moves 3 Things to Do Before Your Next Salary Negotiation

3 Things to Do Before Your Next Salary Negotiation

Paulette Piñero Belatina, latinx

When was the last time you negotiated your salary? Salary negotiation discussions should happen when you accept a new role, when your responsibilities change, when you have a new job title, when you receive a promotion, and during your performance review. Para resumir: negotiations need to happen when the value of the work that you do is not reflected in your compensation.

And now you’ll say “Pero Paulette, difficult conversations make me anxious. How can I build my confidence?” Sencillo, here are three things you want to do before your next salary negotiation conversation:

  • Conduct a self-appraisal. Identify what are the skills, competencies, and value you provide. Get clear on what is your “zone of genius”, the tasks that you do better than others based on your experience, education, and everything that makes you… well tú. Your employer is interested in what you can do for them, so practice talking about how you can transform their business or program based on your unique approach.
  • Do your research. Most coaches and career consultants will tell you to find similar salaries to use for your negotiation. Pero yo no! Researching salaries on websites like Glassdoor, Payscale, and ONet Online will give you an insight into the market value and above all confidence to ask for your worth. 
  • Now that you are clear of your value, competitive advantage, and what other companies are offering, create 3 negotiation scenarios with the salary AND benefits you need to be successful in this role. Don’t forget that benefits turn into savings and even money in your pockets.

When you take these steps before your next salary negotiation, you’ll get to focus on your impact, evaluate a compensation that fits your goals, and start earning more dinero. Need guidance and strategies to land your next job? Join me for the next Master the Job Search live series. RSVP today.

¡Hasta la próxima!

– Paulette

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