Home Our Cultura Astrology Super Moon in Capricorn: Restructuring Our Foundations

Super Moon in Capricorn: Restructuring Our Foundations

Super Moon in Capricorn: Restructuring Our Foundations belatina news
Credit: BELatina News

The Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on July 13 at 2:38 p.m. EST bringing a wave of contemplation and a time of restructuring. When the moon is full in Capricorn, this resilient Earth sign is opposite the Sun in Cancer, a sensitive water sign. This Capricorn-Cancer axis is concerned with security, foundation, and the tension between outer material success and emotional safety. This moon is also known as the Full Buck Moon, named after the season when the male deer’s antlers are fully grown.

As we come into our own season of growth, we must think: Have we sacrificed one over the other? Are we building an empire on faulty foundations just because we have been “too busy” to heal, grieve, and face situations? Instead, have we adopted, “to push through?” 

This moon inspires us to step back and understand that “pushing through” isn’t serving and that a deep course correction is at hand.

Capricorn is symbolized by the Boss Sea-Goat; this sign is known for its relentless dedication to materialistic gains and ambition. Ruled by Saturn, discipline, dedication, and commitment are its guiding principles. 

The Full Moon is a time of integration and release and it’s a perfect time to go deep – roots deep! One seldom-known aspect of Capricorn is that it also speaks to our elders/ancestors. The foundations we build our lives on were first established by those that came before us. Sometimes we question, rebel, and often we carry on – unconsciously flowing in beliefs – ways of life or thinking that may have served their survival at some point but no longer serves us where we are now. 

What ways of thinking or living have been passed down to me that no longer serve my life now? What traditions are timeless and call to be upheld to serve our lives’ purpose and lineage? 

Pluto (transformer) is in the same sign as the Moon and brings profound change from our subconscious. The patterns and vibes you might have felt, but stuffed away from everyday awareness, now come to light. Relationships, situations, and cycles of life shift their form or structure; they may end, transform, or take on a new purpose. 

Saturday, July 16 brings a blessed respite and good luck with Sun and Mercury, which is currently direct coming together in a cazimi. A cazimi is when a planet is in the “heart” or center of the Sun – it is one of the most auspicious signs in the skies. 

We are more likely to receive downloads and clarity. 

There is a trine with Sun (identity), Mercury (messenger), and Neptune (spirituality) on Sunday the 17th, bringing in a deep understanding of how to take care of ourselves and rework our definitions of power.

Remember to read your Sun, rising, and Moon sign for more well-rounded insights!  

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, you may be soaring this month as this Full Moon is expanding the energy of Chiron (the wounded healer) and Jupiter (expansion) in your sign. This Full Moon lights up your 10th house of career, reputation, and achievement, guiding you to release what doesn’t serve you at this time. Your best strategy forward is to fortify your foundations and heal by standing up for yourself. What you believe, you deserve. Go out and get it! ¡Pura candela!  

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This Full Moon lights up your ninth house of higher education, travel, spirituality, and publishing – it invites you to own the old ways that have kept you stuck so you can move forward! You’re famous for your stubbornness and you’ve got plenty of reasons why, but it’s time to move forward. These reasons haven’t made you happy so es hora! The North Node (destiny) and Mars (action/energy) are trining the Full moon in Capricorn, so reality will be hitting you in a way that you just can’t justify anymore. Connect to your spiritual practice to support you through these massive and necessary cambios.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Lighting up your eighth house of rebirth, transformation, sex, and power, it’s important to take risks needed to create the vida you want to experience. Venus, the planet of love is in your sign and the Full Moon is all about responsibility and foundations, so allow yourself to tap into everyday moments of connection and peace. This ability to tap into every day for mindful moments is part of building a sturdy foundation. This will help you leap into action when Mars goes into Gemini, pronto! 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This moon cycle began in your sign on the New Moon and now it’s full in your opposing sign, bringing in the much-needed balance after extreme emotional depths and clearing. You’ve been figuring out how you need to nurture and open yourself to receive instead of always giving. This moon lights up your seventh house of contracts, marriage, and business partnerships. It’s the perfect time to communicate with your partners about any unhealthy patterns that you’ve noticed. This luna is all about boundaries and choosing yourself and keeping only the relationships that are reciprocal!

Leo (July 23-August 23)

This Full Moon lights up your sixth house of routines, health, and work. It invites you to take an honest look at how much overtime you’ve been putting in. There’s a big chance that you’ve skimped on self-care and balance. You may have leaned into much self-sacrificing. It’s time to breathe deeply, contemplate, and journal where you’ve been focusing your energy and take stock in work/life balance. While you may have all sorts of valid justifications for not claiming your “me” time, this moon says, “please, cuidate, because it’s time.” Chiron (wounded healer) and Jupiter (expansion) create a lovely trine and support more rest time. Loving yourself and saying “no” more often will bring you greater felicidad in the long run! 

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

This Full Moon activates your fifth house of romance, creativity, and pleasure, inviting you to explore, along with Pluto’s (transformer) energy, the ways in which you may be holding back from allowing yourself more self-expression. Virgo is known for being perfectionistic and critical, so this Full Moon forgives yourself for the impossible standard of perfection and breathes as you give yourself permission to play and receive more support and abrazos. Focus on communicating with greater empathy and sensitivity – for yourself and others. Compassion begins con uno mismo! 

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

The spotlight is on your fourth house of family, foundation, and home so it’s important to avoid family drama by choosing to observe. Being in a compassionate and non-reactive space will serve you greatly during this time. Pluto (transformer) in the same sign as the moon might bring some old issues up for healing or you may see a family pattern very clearly now. You’re only responsible for how you react and can only do the best you can in any given situation – you cannot control others so don’t even try. This can be healing energy around home and family if honesty, boundaries, and compassion are called on to face las sombras!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Deep awareness and understanding are going to make a huge difference now, so make sure to discuss with your confidantes! This Full Moon lights up your third house of communication, ideas, the mind, and self-expression. Pluto’s (transformer) energy allows important information to come to you clandestinely through dreams, hushed confidences, or even an overheard conversation. You’re ready to transform unhealthy patterns and embrace your deep ability to impact others through your mind and words! Your mind and ability to communicate will hit their mark so stay compassionate and truthful! 

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sag, you’re known as the party person of the zodiac! Always bring in a ray of sunshine even in the darkest moments. Lately, as you’ve looked at the news and social media, you may have felt a sense of fear. That’s understandable as Earth’s life is concerning for us all currently pero please keep your hopeful heart open!  This Full Moon lights up your second house of resources, income, and material possessions. Take a moment to journal and ask yourself where you’ve contracted from life or where you’ve been financially fearful. This Full Moon may bring expansion, opportunities, and/or promotion –  just make sure to do the inner work so you can flow with the expansion the Universe is bringing!  

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Yas, Queen! It’s your season for una nueva era! With the Full Moon in your sign, something you’ve been working on may finally materialize! Be mindful that you’ve worked hard for all you’ve attained and when folks don’t respect that you get irked. Mind your snark and breathe easy. Connect to yourself through breathing, mindfulness practices, or walks in nature to refuel the great energetic effort you had to exert to get here. Not everyone will understand and it’s okay. The Universe has got your back so tranqui and rest. When you’re ready, celebrate! You’re in a process of letting go and allowing your highest good to manifest now!  

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

You’ve been overdoing it and this Full Moon is inviting you to some rest, recuperation, and solitude. Perhaps you’ve supported too many in your friend, family, and community circle. But ahora is time for you! This moon in your 12th house and Pluto’s influence activate past life memories and/or present life, early childhood memories. Forgive yourself and others. Feel your feelings. Observe and then release limiting mindsets – turn to spiritual practices that feed your mind, body, and spirit! Recargate! 

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Known for your emotional connections and deep soulful investments into people and situations, it’s time to step back and reconsider. Is all this worrying worth it? With Pluto conjunct, the Full Moon, watch out for emotional drama but do make sure that you stand firm on boundaries. You can’t be everything to everyone and not everything for yourself. You may be letting yourself be used, so wake up and protege tu energia! Time for baños, cleansings, and sage-ing the house. Rid tu casa y persona of anything that isn’t in your highest good! Yes, it’s time for the vete al carajo candle you’ve been saving for the right moment! 

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