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3 Tips To Go From the Eternal To-do Lista To Making SH*T Happen

Photo courtesy of Paulette Piñero/ BELatina News

How many checklists do you make a week? Even per day? Are you using planners, virtual calendars, and color-coding everything? Maybe you prefer to have little notes all around the house and office — or even just wing it. 

Time to rethink time management “hacks”

There are thousands of time management “hacks” and most of them work for a short period of time. Pero si estas ready to go from overwhelmed to taking action, here are three tips you can follow so you can lead with purpose. It’s time you go from an eternal to-do lista to actually making sh*t happen. 

Besides, no one likes to react to the email surprise of the day. Tú sabes, ese email that you get in the morning that throws you off the schedule.

Steps to lead with purpose

  1. Set your intenciones for the day: Before you create a checklist, make sure that you identify the theme for the day. An intention helps you set the tone for the day. Opposite to a goal, which allows you to make projections for the future, your intention is a theme that will guide you throughout the day or week. Choose one word to describe the mindset you want to prioritize for the day and write it down. My intention for this week is courage and for today it is abundance.
  2. Identify your ridiculously small step: I don’t want to brag, but this is the biggest game-changer for my clients. Once I teach them (and keep them accountable for their ridiculously small steps) they transform their careers and negocios. A ridiculously small step is a task so small that you can complete during a zombie apocalypse. Yes, you read that correctly. Even while running from a zombie, con un machete en la mano. You can’t update your LinkedIN profile while running from a zombie, but you can approve one connection request in less than 30 seconds. If it takes you more than a minute, then it is not a ridiculously small step. This is the perfect strategy to make your goals attainable and help you celebrate your small wins. Want to take this even further? Once you complete your small step, take another minute to celebrate. Whether it is a hug, grabbing a snack, o levantarte de tu asiento, celebrate that you are getting closer to the life you want to create for yourself.
  3. Write your daily “have-to’s”:  If your never-ending list of tasks keeps you awake at night, start with your “have to-do list”. Dividing tasks by “have to-do’s”, “want to-do’s”, and “others-want-me-to-do” allows you to identify your immediate deliverables and use a second or third list para las cosas que no son priority. You might even find that what’s on that third list is not what you want to focus your attention on. This strategy is also great when you are talking with your manager about setting boundaries with teammates or to help you know what tasks you need to outsource. I have a list of “cosas Paulette shouldn’t do” y me ayudó a crear the job description for my operations manager.

By following these tips and combining them with your favorite time management or planning tools, you’ll move from a reactive to purpose-driven líder in no time. Want more leadership content? Follow me on TikTok.

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