Home Lifestyle 5 Latina Viajeras You Should Follow Before Your Next Trip

5 Latina Viajeras You Should Follow Before Your Next Trip

Who doesn’t love spending some time off exploring new places, learning about different cultures, or even trying new food? I sure do. But before even planning my next adventure, my phone has already shown me all the travel inspo I need for my upcoming trip.

Social media is always where I go whenever I need to find some tips before getting on a plane to Atlanta, finding that non-touristy coffee shop in New York, or even looking for a place to stay in Mexico or Costa Rica.

Having access to great travel content is essential — and very helpful — for every viajerx, and these five Latina globetrotters will help inspire your next trip to a new destination.

Ariadna Rufrancos 

Whether you’re looking to visit a big city like New York or Chicago, take a road trip along California, or explore crystal-clear beaches in Mexico, Ariadna has all the travel tips you’re looking for. You can follow this Mexican viajera on Instagram at @yosoyviajera.

Karo Céspedes 

Costa Rica is among the most visited Latin American countries by tourists, according to Statista, and this Tica content creator will make you want to add this destination on top of your places-to-visit list. Karo shares tips on all types of activities, hotels, and natural parks involving Costa Rica. You can find her on Instagram as @karo_trips.

Rory Lassanske 

Rory calls herself a travel and lifestyle storyteller. She’s a Latina based out of Texas who shares everything about her adventures around the world. You’ll find tips on stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and events by following her on Instagram. She goes as @mcontemporanea on Instagram.


Chio is a Latina from Peru who uses her Instagram account @deviajeconchio to share all types of travel recommendations from the places she visits. From traditional festivities to unique streets, Chio makes sure to highlight hidden gems around the globe.


Female solo traveling never looked so good, and Flavia is the perfect example to illustrate this. This Latina shares all kinds of tips for those wanting to travel by themselves. You’ll also find some recommendations on how to get the perfect picture when you don’t have anybody going on an adventure with you. Follow her on Instagram: @latinatraveler. 

Do you feel like planning your next viajecito already? I’m now considering a beach somewhere in Mexico. 

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