Home News De Allá Celia Cruz, the Beloved Afro-Latina Icon, is Going to Appear on the...

Celia Cruz, the Beloved Afro-Latina Icon, is Going to Appear on the U.S. Quarter

Credit: Ibrahim Arce (Narcy Studios photographer), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Queen of Salsa, Celia Cruz, continues to make history. She will now appear on the U.S. quarter! 

But getting the United States to celebrate women has been a grueling process.  

Adding women to the United States’ currency is long overdue. Only recently are women being recognized by the United States Mint. From Harriett Tubman to Maya Angelou, strides are being made – which is preposterous considering how much women have contributed to U.S. history.  

The Mint was created by Congress in 1792; it became part of the Department of the Treasury in 1873. According to its website, it is the Nation’s sole manufacturer of legal tender coinage as well as the one responsible for producing circulating coinage and numismatic products. It’s of note that the numismatic programs don’t cost taxpayers anything.  

Though it’s been centuries since the Mint’s inception, it is finally placing emphasis on a more well-rounded representation. A testament of this can be seen within the 2024 honorees the United States Mint announced for the American Women Quarters™ Program.  

“All of the women being honored have lived remarkable and multi-faceted lives, and have made a significant impact on our Nation in their own unique way,” said Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson in an official statement. 

Among the wonderful women being honored is Celia Cruz, one of the most important Latinas in our community.  

Celia Cruz, also known as Celia Caridad Cruz Alfonso, was a Cuban singer, a cultural icon for Cuban-Americans, and one of the most influential Latin artists of the 20th century. The Afro-Latina won several awards during her career including five Grammys and a National Medal of Arts.  

A program created to inspire

This exciting coin program plans to continue to celebrate the accomplishments of those who’ve shaped the Nation. It is also an opportunity for future generations to see that dedication and determination can be awarded.  

Zitkala-Ša, Pauli Murray, Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, and Patsy Takemoto Mink are also being honored.  

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