LA Council Member Kevin de León Refuses to Resign After Leaked Racist Audio

LA Council Member Kevin de León Refuses to Resign After Leaked Racist Audio belatina latine

The uproar over leaked audio with racist comments made by former Los Angeles City Council President, Nury Martinez, and other council members is not over. It’s actually far from it as Los Angeles residents demand accountability. 

Though the conversation was led by Martinez, Gil Cedillo, Kevin de León, and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera also participated in the conversation where racist remarks were spewed freely and discussed how to game the city’s redistricting process. They, too, are complicit in the unacceptable behavior.

Since the leaked audio became viral, however, Paul Krekorian replaced Martinez as Council President and Ron Herrera resigned. But Gil Cedillo and Kevin de León remain adamant about giving up their seats. 

In fact, de León recently told the Spanish-language station, Univision, that “he’s so sorry,” but intends to continue to work on homelessness and other issues pertaining to his role. 

As seen on KCBS-TV in Los Angeles, the disgraced councilman also acknowledged that he failed in his leadership, yet refuses to resign. 

Naturally, people had plenty to say about his current stance. 

Kevin de León lacks the support of the people

Twitter user @samyebri expressed his concern over de León’s recent comments by urging him to do what’s best: “Being an LA City Councilmember is not a birthright & it’s about more than a paycheck; it’s about serving the people. Kevin de León can no longer do his job. Instead, he is holding the legislative body for 4 million Angelenos hostage. He should do what is best for the people.”

Meanwhile, user @Llopezresendiz tweeted about the division the councilman is causing:  “Kevin de León went on Univision to let the spanish speaking community he is not resigning. Now you have all these macho activist who are president of Mexican orgs defending him. Violence is when you use your minority status to use the media to divide the work class,” he wrote.

The new Council President, Paul Krekorian, condemned de León’s recent position on the situation as well. 

“The only way we can begin to heal as a city is for Mr. de Leon to take responsibility for his actions, accept the consequences and step down,” said Council President Paul Krekorian said in an official statement. 

As reported by the AP, the Council cannot expel members — it can only suspend a member when criminal charges are pending.

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