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NYSYLC BELatina Latinx

Help These Latinx Organizations Support Undocumented Families During COVID-19

Helping undocmented people is always important; however, during the COVID-19 pandemic it’s even more pressing an issue than ever. Governments around the world have...
OB GYN BELatina Latinx

Here’s When You Need to Call Your OBGYN During the Pandemic

Many of us are quarantined and grappling with how much discomfort in our nether regions require us to leave the house and risk the...
VOA News Mexican Sex Workers BELatina

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Affected Sex Workers in Mexico City

Much has been said during the COVID-19 pandemic about unemployment, about the millions of workers forced to take to the streets to support their...
Covid 19 Amazona BELatina

COVID-19 Reaches the Amazon, Where Vulnerable Indigenous Populations Are at Mortal Risk

No, we are not talking about the company or its shipping packages; we are talking about the natural lungs of the world, the tropical...
Rihanna donation Belatina

Rihanna Does Her Bit in the Fight Against Domestic Violence in the Midst of...

In collaboration with Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey, singer Rihanna has donated $2.1m to the Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles to provide the...
religious services BELatina

Is it Worth Getting Coronavirus Just to Go to Church? The Faith Debate in...

Just as you don't have to see God to believe in him, you don't have to see a virus to know that thousands of...

Social Media Campaign Seeks to Help Domestic Workers Cope With Coronavirus Pandemic

If COVID-19 has changed anything in the country, it has been our perception of work, courage, and where the driving force of our economy...
Empowering Latinos: Breaking Mental Health Stigma with ‘Love, Your Mind’ 

Empowering Latinos: Breaking Mental Health Stigma with ‘Love, Your Mind’ 

Latino and Black men are often shackled by societal norms dictating stoicism. They are told not to express themselves, cry, or talk about anything...
Puerto Rico's Governor Tried to Make a Case for Statehood – This is What People Had To Say About It Belatina latine

Puerto Rico’s Governor Tried to Make a Case for Statehood – This is What...

Puerto Rico’s status was questioned during a session with the federal House of Representatives.  The Governor of Puerto Rico, Pedro R. Pierluisi spoke about pressing...
Daisy Auger-Dominguez Inclusion Revolution

Meet Daisy Auger-Dominguez, Author of ‘Inclusion Revolution’

Decades of disparity and racial inequality have led to a global reckoning. As a result, organizations across the country are being confronted with a...
Fronteras del Futuro Exhibition BELatina Latinx

‘Fronteras Del Futuro,’ an Exhibition That Rethinks Identity Through Pop Culture

The return to "normalcy" after the chaos of the COVID pandemic has allowed cultural spaces to bring so many fundamental discussions back to the...
Bad Bunny New Album BELatina Latinx

And the Award for the Most Ingenious Way To Announce an Upcoming Album Goes...

Undoubtedly, Bad Bunny's success has a lot to do with his proximity to real people. It has been precisely his storytelling that has made...