Recently, Eva Mendes, known for her roles in "The Place Beyond the Pines" and "Hitch," shared her personal and rewarding perspective on late motherhood. At 50, she feels more prepared than ever to embrace motherhood, emphasizing how maturity has endowed her with the patience and wisdom required for this...
There’s no denying that Mattel, the company that manufactures all Barbie-related merchandise, has changed from its inception. Once upon a time, Barbie dolls were not as diverse.  The push to add more range to Barbie dolls was introduced in 1980 when the first Black and Latina Barbie doll hit the...
Today is a sad day. Many people are mourning the death of the TikTok sensation, Randy Gonzalez.   Yesterday, TMZ reported that the Latino TikTok star had died while in hospice. Gonzalez, 35, was part of the Enkyboys, the father-son duo on TikTok.   It’s not often that you see a Latino...

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