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Lorena Borjas corona Belatina

Remembering Lorena Borjas, Trans Latina Activist Who Died From COVID-19

The Latinx community in the United States has lost one of the most important voices in the fight for LGBTQ+ rights. Lorena Borjas, immigrant activist,...
white toilet paper BELatina

Sorry to Be a Buzzkill, but Quilted Toilet Paper is Destroying the World’s Forests

As we are forced to face bare toilet paper shelves and the fact that deforestation is the likely culprit behind Covid-19 (because of one...
Yamiche Alcindor BELatina Trump

The Way Trump Treated This Journalist Says Everything You Need to Know About How...

If you still doubt how the coronavirus can change the world's political landscape, just take a look at countries like Hungary, where Parliament voted...
Census Covid 19 Corona Virus BELatina Latinx

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Hampered the 2020 Census Count

Ten years ago, the complications of counting the total population in the United States were reduced to low participation and the risk that the...
Jose Andres BELatina

Chef José Andrés Makes the Cover of TIME; But His Real Achievement is On...

For many people in the country — especially for the president — reaching the cover of TIME Magazine is a major accomplishment; it's a...
BELatina Body Scan Thermographic

In Response to COVID-19, Puerto Rico’s Main Airport Installs Thermographic Cameras

Due to the recent worldwide emergency, government officials, corporations, and various agencies are being scrutinized by their onlookers. And rightfully so. However, there is...
J Balvin Takashi Murakami BELatina

J Balvin and Takashi Murakami Help Families and Children in Confinement

Against the skepticism of many — and the stubbornness of others — specialists in epidemiology and the World Health Organization have insisted on the...
Red Cross BELatina Latinx

Giving Back When It Matters Most: How to Help on Red Cross Giving Day...

On any average year, it’s essential for those who can to give back and help others in need. March 25th is a day to...
Belatina Home School

Covfefe-19 Quarantine Homeschool Diaries: In Week 1, Keeping Calm Is the Best Lesson

Human beings learn how to work around things and cope, so this is neither a rant nor complaint; rather, it is a dilated moment...
Survival Kit BELatina Latinx

Are You Prepared? Assembling a Basic Survival Kit for Peace of Mind When S*^t...

As responsible adults, and especially if we are parents, it's nice to assume that you'd know what you do in a crisis. It's comforting...
Guánica Earthquake Feature BELatina Latinx Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Update: A Brief Exposé on Guánica After the Earthquakes

We live in interesting times, saturated with news about the Coronavirus COVID-19, the upcoming elections, who won the Democratic primaries, just to name a...
Migi Matthews BELatina STEM

International Day of Women and Girls in Science: Perspective From Dr. Migi Matthews, a...

Updated 2/27/2020 to reflect the news that Dr. Matthews’ employer is actively formulating a vaccine against the coronavirus with the U.S. Health and Human...