The Star-led New Moon in Aquarius Moves Us Forward

The Star-led New Moon in Aquarius Moves Us Forward belatina
Credit: BELatina/BrandStar

The first New Moon of 2023 arrives on January 21, 2023, at 3:52 PM EST at 1 degree in Aquarius, bringing a clean slate with its humanitarian vibe and respect for uniqueness.  

Moving out of the cardinal, earthy Capricorn season, we enter the fixed air sign of Aquarius with objectivity and new forward-moving energy from a direct Mars and Mercury! 

Change is coming after this New Moon in Aquarius 

Mars, the fiery warrior energy planet has been retrograde in Gemini, the sign of communication and technology. It inspires us to temper our tongues and slow our rolls as any outbursts could cost long-term harm. With Mercury, the messenger planet, also retrograde, we’ve been dealing with unclear communications. Uranus, the planet of transformation and change and rebellion, goes direct on January 22nd. By going direct, it makes this time highly productive and auspicious in terms of communications, change of jobs, launching of businesses, and both personal, and collective change.  

The Lunar New Year also occurs on January 22nd, one of the world’s largest celebrations!  

As you welcome the New Moon and Lunar New Year, wearing red or using a red candle to set intentions can help fire up the new beginnings we are most passionate about!  

The New Moon is a time to release outdated ways of being and thinking, and seed new powerful, long-lasting intentions; Aquarius gives us the objectivity to know the difference! Ironically, this month’s card pulled from the Tarot is THE Aquarius card, The Star, bringing renewed hope and faith as well as a sense of being supported by the Universe.  

The Star card is right after The Tower in the Rider-Waite Tarot, signifying that we have survived a time of loss, confusion, and grief, and are now entering a time of more joy, play, and personal development!  

The Star-led New Moon in Aquarius Moves Us Into a Time of Joy belatina
Image courtesy: Artist of the traditional tarot, Pamela Colman Smith

Meditate with the image above and allow yourself to magnetize the blessings you most desire on this New Moon! 

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