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These Small Latine CBD Entrepreneurs Are Breaking Stigmas

Older Latino households are often more traditional. This means that they are more skeptical of new concepts and treatments that can benefit their health. The...

Meet Elsa Navarro: Colombiana and CBD Cosmetics Guru

The growing business of Cannabidiol (CBD) in the beauty industry is to date, a multimillion dollar trade that year after year grows and expands...

CannAbuelo’ is the Grass-Advocating Grandpa This Nation Desperately Needs

Younger people often champion the conversations around the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana however, 80-year old self-proclaimed Cannabuelo (cannabis and abuelo put together) Jorge...

CBD Significantly Reduces Cravings for Heroin in New Study

Most of us who are familiar with CBD know it as a balm to anxiety, an anti-inflammatory supplement, a topical wonder compound, and an...