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Évi Siskos BELatina Latinx

Multiculturalism and Family Travel, a Conversation With Évi Siskos

Author John Steinback once said that “people don’t take trips — trips take people,” and he couldn’t be more right.  As technology expands, the accessibility...
AOC 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Multicultural and Multifaceted

There’s something unarrestable about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, as if she were not bound by the same laws of physics than the rest of us. It...
Corporate America, You're Missing Out on the Best 'Jefas' Out There – And It's Time This is Fixed

Corporate America, You’re Missing Out on the Best ‘Jefas’ Out There – And It’s...

Recently, I’ve heard several people tell me how they don’t like the constant use of the word “jefa” in Latine spaces. These people feel...
Mon Laferte

Mon Laferte: Netflix Documentary, ‘MON LAFERTE, te amo,’ Announced

In an announcement during her recent concert at Santiago's Movistar Arena on April 10, 2024, Mon Laferte, the ever-talented Chilean-Mexican singer-songwriter, unveiled exciting news to her...
Funding Dries Up at the University of Texas in Austin, but Latino Students Keep Moving Forward

Funding Dries Up at the University of Texas in Austin, but Latino Students Keep...

The ongoing cuts to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts present a devastating blow to Latino students, further exacerbating existing disparities and hindering access...
The Conga Room, a Place That Was Once Graced by Celia Cruz, Is Sadly Closing Down

The Conga Room, a Place That Was Once Graced by Celia Cruz, Is Sadly...

The historic Conga Room is preparing to bid a fond farewell on March 27, marking the conclusion of its illustrious 25-year tenure as a bastion...
BELatina TV Unveils Latest Episode on LifetimeTV as It Continues to Empower Modern Latinas 

BELatina TV Unveils Latest Episode on Lifetime TV as It Continues to Empower Modern...

The newest episode of BELatina TV, which aired on LifetimeTV, took us yet again into the world of modern Latina empowerment. As we all know,...
Timeless Literary Gems by Celebrated Latine Authors: The Perfect Holiday Gifts for Book Lovers

Timeless Literary Gems by Celebrated Latine Authors: The Perfect Holiday Gifts for Book Lovers

The holiday season beckons, and what better way to honor the bibliophile in your life than with the gift of literary treasures? While modern...
Julissa Prado and Charly Stoever Inspire with Community Entrepreneurship and Money Management 

Julissa Prado and Charly Stoever Inspire with Community Entrepreneurship and Money Management 

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ThirdLove Redefines Bra Shopping: A BELatina Adventure with Latina Host, Dr. Karent Sierra

ThirdLove Redefines Bra Shopping: A BELatina Adventure with Latina Host, Dr. Karent Sierra

Lingerie shopping can be a hassle for many. Between figuring out the right size to going to a location where the associates are truly...

Promotional Materials

To help your company promote your involvement with BELatina, we have put together a few items that will help you get started.LogosLifetime logo cannot...
Disney's ‘Primos’ Sparks Debate: Cultural Celebration or Harmful Stereotypes?

Disney’s ‘Primos’ Sparks Debate: Cultural Celebration or Harmful Stereotypes?

Disney has long been recognized as a pioneer in storytelling and creating beloved characters that capture the hearts of audiences worldwide. Yet, not every venture...