The New Moon is fanning our flames and asking us to burn brighter, bolder, and more creatively than ever! Even the extended winter weather cannot dampen the spring fever supported by the first New Moon of the astrological year charging through April 1st – landing in the entrepreneurial and fiery sign of Aries!
We are currently in the Aries season, marked by spring, new beginnings, and initiations! With the moon (motional process) in the same sign, we begin to question our role in our lives and careers.
What are the big dreams we’ve been putting off, carrying quietly, or perhaps believing we are not quite ready to step into? What is holding us back?
Who would we be if we could be anyone?
What would we do if there were no blocks? What does our most creative and bold self feel like – and what needs to transform so we can BE that now?
Each month, the sun and moon join in the skies and initiate a new lunar cycle. During this phase, the moon is not visible from our planet earth and represents the dark and fertile ground brimming with potential; it then inspires us to nurture our inner fuego to begin again!
The New Moon is all about seeding new intentions, getting focused on our goals, and moving towards our dreams and aspirations where we understand the manifestation of these seeds. Divine timing will move throughout the next eight months.
There are usually twelve new moons a year and each of these coincides with one of the twelve astrological signs.
Each sign functions as a psychological lens through which the energy of the Moon (emotions/intuition/mother) shines. The matters connected and symbolized by that sign will be spotlighted and there’s a chance to review and create new – specifically in that sign’s ruling areas – functions or elements.
Consciously seeding intentions allows us to get clear about what is important to us and how to go about creating the right mindsets that help lead us into the opportunities that will open up during the year!
So, how can each sign make the most of this New Moon?
YASSSS! Your season is here and you’ve been feeling it! You’re ready to try things you’ve never tried before, move your career forward to where you know it can go, and build some muscle in the gym to flaunt it with new fashion, make-up styles, and– dare I say it – rekindling and setting your romantic life on fire!
All jokes aside, as the New moon fires up your life on Friday, know that it’s time to get very direct with the Universe.
You’re multi-talented and it’s time to embrace all of that sabor! There’s no playing around, no, “ Well, Diosito if you have time maybe I can rise in my career…” it’s more like, “this is who I am and I am attracting these opportunities now!” The Universe is set up to deliver so much for you this year! Chiron ( the wounded healer) is in Aries as well, so you’ll be healing a whole lot as you uplevel. This doesn’t mean that you are going to stay in the emotional trenches though. You get to feel, heal, and then go create your Tik Tok or reel if that’s what you’re into!
There’s a sense of urgency this month and it’s okay if everyone doesn’t get you – they have their own star path to deal with – and it may look a lot less energetic than yours at the time! Allow your ideas and creativity to shine – es tu hora! Be advised not to cut off folks intensely, just run off to your projects and workouts. They may eventually get it and join you. If not, you’ll be making new friends and exploring new horizons.
Prepare to dive deeper than usual, sweet bull. The New Moon burns through your 12th house of the soul and the subconscious unleashes hidden feelings, such as pain and soul gifts! Allow yourself to explore, journal, burn letters, dance under the stars, and howl at the moon if you’re moved to! Past lives, repressed memories, and even some ancestral patterns may be showing up to be embraced, blessed, released, and/or integrated.
The Sun and Chiron will give you greater courage to dance with your shadows and tap into more of your unseen power! As your emotions flow, your spirituality grows! Express yourself through the arts and prepare to be carried by Spirit!
The New Moon barrels through your house of friendships and networks on April 1st; it fires up opportunities for connection, community, and purposeful networking!
You may be inspired to lead a dream project or spearhead new ideas for a group. Your leadership is required and the Sun and Chiron (the wounded healer) may join your early childhood experiences of being an outsider. This is a powerful opportunity to embrace your inner child and your past. As the moon waxes towards the full moon this month, know that your hard work will be rewarded and your leadership admired!
Do you feel the fiery will to rise? I know you do! This New Moon charges through your house of career and reputation on April 1st demanding that you refine your professional goals. JUST DO IT. While you’re an emotional sign that likes to get a sense of the temperature of the room, this month pushes you forward even as Chiron in Aries joins the Sun and invites you to face your fears. You’ve got this!
Read up on powerful folks in your field that went through failure and then rose to incredible success! You’re ready to fly and every adventure creates an even juicer tale to share. Your future self is thanking you for your courage and stories. So many stories to create, live, and retell are to come!
Get ready for some freedom, Leo! This New Moon lights up your 9th house of wisdom, foreign travel, and spirituality. You’re tired of being rooted. Grounded is okay though – you’ve always liked a place to call home, where you can return after a glitter and paint-filled evening. This month, however, you’re guided to look around and plan some trips. It’s time to go beyond your comfort zone and your preset, fixed sign boundaries. Time to get uncomfortable in the best way possible! As Chiron (wounded healer) joins the Sun, you may be scared to dream about the elusive love partner you’ve been secretly desiring and the Universe says, “ You dream it because they are dreaming of you!” It’s time to stop being as independent as you are and allow some supportive and passionate love in! Get ready to explore, expand, and enjoy!
Patience must be your virtue this month, diligent Virgo. The New Moon lights up your 8th house of other people’s resources, real estate, and investments. You’ll understand the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth, even more, this month as it shows you that nothing is meant to last forever and change is at the heart of existence! You may ask, “what does that have to do with investments?” Well, you may have lost some money on your stock market investments, but you’re urged to look around and invest in new stock that will be rising soon! The same goes for business partnerships, collaborations, and other contracts. Some things in your life have worn out their welcome and need to be released and others need to be welcomed in! Adelante y adios! You can do both and learn to ride the deep waves of intuitive wisdom of the 8th house!
Libra, tu corazoncito is craving a more intimate connection! If you’re in a relationship, it’s a great time to have more experiences with your partner. Both of you may have taken each other for granted due to the day-to-day. If you’re single and highly focused on career and/or educational goals, it’s time to take a break, come up for air, and smell the roses! You’re destined to find one or two you like! This connection fuel can also be used to nurture business relationships and family ones as well!
This New Moon inspires your 7th house of relationship and marriage with added passion and energy to take things to the next level or get something hot started! As Chiron (the wounded healer) is conjoined with the Sun, old wounds of not feeling loveable may surface and it’s a good thing! Time to embrace all of yourself! You are lovable and an inspiration to so many! Allow yourself to receive from folks and invite those you feel called to into more connection and friendship. They may have to start a waitlist!
This month will be one to remember. While it shines on your 6th house of health, job, and the everyday environment, don’t be fooled. The New Moon coming in on April 1st is here to support the refining of processes, structures that are setting you up for your success and abundance as we speak! You’re going to be feeling better based on these new habits and define a new way to thrive for yourself!
As Chiron (the wounded healer) joins the Sun, you may feel like you’re moving slower than some of the other fire signs – and that’s okay. All that happens in April will be a fond memory and a foundational point you will look back on as, “Ah, yes that’s when it started to shift!” As the inner glow illuminates your outer glow, opportunities, and exciting new projects will gently flow to you – just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s working out in your highest favor!
Sag, fireworks are bound to happen as this New Moon flirts through your 5th house of romance, creativity, and fun! You may have sworn off dating or been settled into a partnership for some time pero el fueguito of creativity reaches all the Sags! You’ll bring your playful energy to work, to friends, and everywhere you go! You needed it and so did they! The last few years have been tough on us all. Allow yourself the space to dance, sing– even if you can’t sing a note, – be silly, laugh louder than anyone in the room because, after all, that’s part of your charm!
Chiron ( the wounded healer) may make you doubt the attention but let the stars assure you: You are all deserving and are the flame attracting opportunities, dates, flirtations, and creative projects. In some ways, this New Moon is a moon your inner visionary and artist have been praying for – so be inspired, be the muse, and give life to what’s been brewing within you! You’re emanating Diosa power to the max!
Our home base can be something we run from or something we run to. This month you focus on your home base and what it means to put down roots. Tap into your heart more and less on the mind. It’s time to follow your bliss in the form of creating a nest for yourself – or nurturing your roots in some way!
Chiron, (the wounded healer) conjoined with the Sun, may introduce doubts and make you wonder if you’ll ever truly feel like you’re where you belong and need to be. Breathe into those feelings and ask to be healed. Redefine your own meaning of home and allow that to flow from your own heart. The Universe is inviting you to take off the armor while nurturing the sensitive soul you’ve always been. Give yourself the space and connections you need. Your Ancestors are supporting you and lighting a candle. Thanking them for their sacrifices and their gifts as well as asking for guidance can support you on this journey.
There’s been a reshaping of your finances lately while reworking connections with siblings, cousins, or neighbors, and this New Moon asks you to place your money where your values are. It’s time to get clear on what your values are. This doesn’t mean you don’t know. You surely are already living them, but as we go through life – and change sometimes – our values also transform. What has shifted for you in terms of what you deserve? What do you value and how do you want to live your life? As you ponder these questions, something new in the form of abundance, material wealth, or real estate may be on the horizon for you. Keep your feet firm on your values, your heart open, and your eyes on the prize.
Remember you get to define what the prize is for YOU!
You’ve been working towards some financial goals and this process continues this month. Who you thought you were back in the day and who you are now has changed. Your needs have changed and you are diligently building a bridge from past to present at this time as the New Moon burns away what needs to be released. You’ve been reminiscing, reviewing, and replaying events to the point of no return. You cannot go back and you cannot change the past. Self-forgiveness, compassion, and understanding that you did the best you could at the time – and so did everyone else – will set you free! The bridge you’re building is a rainbow bridge and unicorns ride for free!
Your dreams and creativity are under the rubble of yesterday’s laments and as they clear, abundance flows, and you get to be who you always thought you could be; it’s just that the journey looks different from what you had imagined at an earlier age.
You now get to embrace the mystery. You get to embrace yourself in all your glory and mess. Know that it’s okay to be human – even if you’re a mermaid at heart!
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