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VOA News Mexican Sex Workers BELatina

How the Coronavirus Pandemic Has Affected Sex Workers in Mexico City

Much has been said during the COVID-19 pandemic about unemployment, about the millions of workers forced to take to the streets to support their...
Rihanna donation Belatina

Rihanna Does Her Bit in the Fight Against Domestic Violence in the Midst of...

In collaboration with Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey, singer Rihanna has donated $2.1m to the Mayor's Fund for Los Angeles to provide the...
POC Coronavirus COVID 19 BELatina

No, the Coronavirus Does Not Discriminate Between Races or Skin Color; But the American...

Latinos and African Americans in the United States share many demographic traits: Both groups represent high-density communities, both have enriched our culture like no...
Youth Cinema BELatina Latinx

The Youth Cinema Project Maintains its Commitment to Education in Times of Coronavirus

Resilience to the coronavirus pandemic has emerged in all spheres. Between students attending digital classes and parents homeschooling their children, our communities have used every...
African Americans Affected Covid 19 BELatina

The Death Rate from Coronavirus in the African-American Community in the United States is...

It would be irresponsible to say that the coronavirus pandemic affects everyone equally. While measures such as containment have put much of the world in...
coronavirus-unemployment BELatina

Women Could Be Losing Jobs at a Higher Pace Than Other Groups During the...

When news reports announce a percentage of unemployment in the country, rest assured that those numbers do not reflect the nation's minorities. And this may...
Tabata Amaral BELatina

Meet Tabata Amaral, The Congresswoman Who Has Made a Difference in the Fight Against...

If you believe that the Covid-19 crisis in the United States is a catastrophe under the leadership of Donald Trump, Brazilians can tell you...
religious services BELatina

Is it Worth Getting Coronavirus Just to Go to Church? The Faith Debate in...

Just as you don't have to see God to believe in him, you don't have to see a virus to know that thousands of...
Nancy Pelosi BELatina

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Promises to Oversee the Trump Administration’s Response to the Coronavirus Crisis

When the president of the country has a long history of fraud and bankruptcy, it is a danger to leave $2 trillion at his...
Belatina AOC Rapinoe coronavirus public health crisis

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Megan Rapinoe Explain the Coronavirus Stimulus Package to the Country

How do you explain to a country of over 320 million people what the Donald Trump government's strategy is to protect them from the...
gender equality Feminism Covid BELatina

Feminism and the Coronavirus: A Debate on Leadership in Times of Crisis

It seems that the month of March lasted 100 days, and with it went all the political and social debates not related to the...
Domestic Violence Coronavirus

Coronavirus and Domestic Violence: A Double Risk

While millions of people around the world improvise strategies to deal with social confinement and isolation, there are those who have no escape from...