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Roselyn Sánchez BELatina

The Iconic Elegance of Actress Roselyn Sánchez

Roselyn Sánchez is an ultra-talented Puerto Rican actress who has worked hard to become a household name. You can probably recall seeing her on Without...
Latin History Feature BELatina

John Leguizamo Kicks Off National Tour of ‘Latin History for Morons’

Actor, playwright, and stand-up comic John Leguizamo kicked off his nationwide tour of his award-winning one-man show Latin History for Morons just last week...
Ava DuVernay BeLatina

Emmy Nods for ‘When They See Us’ and ‘Pose’ Remind Us That Marginalized Narratives...

Ava DuVernay’s When They See Us earned 16 nominations for the 2019 Emmy’s, including nominations for Outstanding Limited Series, Outstanding Lead Actor, and Actress...
pluto tv latino BeLatina

Pluto TV Latino Has Free, Streaming, Spanish-Language Television For Your Endless Viewing Pleasure

Pluto TV, the sizable online television platform owned by mega media company Viacom, just stepped up to the plate of streaming services by offering...
The Way We Lead Podcast

The Way We Lead, Podcast That Highlights Inclusive Leadership and Allyship, Premieres Today

Working toward becoming a better ally and building more inclusive leadership is a constant, ever-evolving and engaged process. Gaby and Jenelle Acosta, the co-hosts...
Belatina Thinness Healthy

The Universal Power of Not Praising Thinness and Weight Loss

Being a woman trying to live up to today’s unrealistic beauty standards is exhausting. It’s a never-ending struggle to look and be our best...
West Side Story Broadway Revival

Broadway Announces West Side Story Cast for Highly Anticipated Revival

The star-crossed romance between Maria and Tony, set against a backdrop of racial discord, is an ageless story that will be told with new...
Sofía Vergara Italia 2019

The Inevitable and Universal Magic of Sofía Vergara

Intelligent, beautiful, talented and fun are some attributes of the Colombian-American actress, Sofía Vergara. On her birthday, we decided to write a tribute to...

‘Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice’ Unpacks the Truth About a Mexican Music...

Linda Ronstadt has a career that spans across five decades, several genres, and countries — however she has remained relatively unknown to many until...
Belatina Kate de Castillo

If You’re in New York this July, Don’t Sleep on Watching Kate del Castillo...

You gotta love summer in the city — so much to do and so many hours of daylight and warm weather to do it....
Frida Kahlo Monkeys Self-Portrait BeLatina

The Original Selfie was a Self-Portrait and Here’s How Female Artists Used it to...

The next time you feel yourself growing impatient with a selfie photo-shoot or feel that taking elaborate pains to photograph oneself is the work...
Isabel Allende House of the spirits HULU

We’re All Eagerly Counting Down the Days For Isabel Allende’s Work on Print and...

Isabel Allende’s debut novel The House of Spirits is set to be made into a series on the streaming platform Hulu. Neither a release...