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Women's Equality BeLatina APA Guidelines

Womanhood Redefined: What the APA’s Updated Guidelines Tell Society About Being a Woman

In 1975, the APA (American Psychological Association) assembled a special task force to create a set of guidelines for the ethical treatment of women...
US Soccer Thailand game

U.S. Soccer Team Shows Their Dominance in 13-0 Game Against Thailand, and Ready to...

The U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team played their first match in the group stage of the 2019 World Cup against Thailand, a team they...
Sephora Sensitivity training

Sephora Will Close Down All U.S. Operations to Hold Diversity Training, a Month After...

Sephora locations all over the country will be closing down for an hour to hold an on-the-clock diversity training session for its employees. The...

When They See Us is the Limited Netflix Series About “The Central Park Five”...

Director Ava DuVernay’s four-episode dramatic series When They See Us becomes available to stream on Netflix on Friday, May 31st, 30 years and six...

Netflix May Boycott Georgia Productions If Heartbeat Bill Goes into Effect

Netflix is the latest studio to publicly state its position on whether it plans to continue filming in Georgia, following the recent passage of...

What the Truck: The Hottest Latino Food Truck Must-Trys Across the Country

The food truck trend is everywhere, from sporting events to private events to big cities to music/art/food festivals and everything in between. Once upon...

Redefining Truth and the Power of Instinct with Journalist Giselle Fernández

Emmy winner Giselle Fernández has interviewed some of the most revered and important artists, elected representatives, and world leaders in a generation — she’s reported...

Money Moves: How Latina Women Increasingly Inform Our Nation’s Economy

The pay gap between men and women still exists in the United States. From minimum wage to maximum return jobs, whether it’s a hidden...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Abby’s’ Natalie Morales

There’s something comforting about a bar where everyone knows your name. It’s why we are drawn to TV shows about local watering holes time...
Baby Boi Slim Deadlee Chicano

Hip-Hop Gets the Rainbow Treatment with’ the Cholo-riffic Musical Genre That Didn’t Come to...

Rap and hip-hop have a history of being homophobic and heavily relying on toxic masculinity to help draw in audiences and sell. However, everyone...
The monumental and multi-faceted Katherine Castro

Meet Katherine Castro: Self-Proclaimed Military Brat and Full-Spectrum Artist

It would be accurate to describe the Dominican-born artist Katherine Castro as a Swiss army knife of a person: the epitome of multi-faceted simplicity....
Rita Morena Norman Lear ODAT

Rita Moreno and Norman Lear Pen Open Letter Demanding Netflix Data for One Day...

One Day at a Time creator Norman Lear and cast member Rita Moreno penned a guest column in the Hollywood Reporter calling upon fans...