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Tag: beauty products

Meet Priscilla Jiminian, the Afro-Latina Entrepreneur Behind Skinergy Beauty

How many times have we looked in the mirror wishing we could find a product that really addresses the problems of our skin type?...

Beauty That Gives Back: Embracing Your Inner Jefa With a Chic...

Finding the perfect shade of lip color can really change your entire look, but it's more than just a style boost — the right...

Makeup Products that Literally Last 12 Hours

How many times a day do you retouch your makeup because you can literally feel it melting? Sometimes we can't even walk away from...

Skin in the Game: 7 Celebrities Who Are Redefining Cosmetics

There are a number of celebrities with enviable skin, making you wonder if they’ve made a pact with the gods. Whatever the regimen, they...

Latinx Beauty Brands and the Women Behind Them

BIG Business in Beauty It’s no secret that beauty products are a big business. And now more than ever, several of the beauty brands you...