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Tag: honduras

Former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández Sentenced to 45 Years by...

In a surprise announcement, former Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández was sentenced to forty-five years in New York for conspiracy. The charges stem from...

Psychological Abuse Tops List of Gender-Based Violence Cases in Honduras and...

Women and girls in Honduras and Guatemala are in trouble. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) has sounded the alarm on the enduring crisis of...

DACA Recipient Cristian Padilla Romero and Tens of Thousands of Allies...

Cristian Padilla Romero, a graduate student at Yale and DACA recipient, is at the head of a campaign to save Tania Romero, his mother,...

Latest Migrant Caravan Scheduled to Leave Honduras Early This Morning

Only a couple days after his Presidential Address President Trump addressed this past Thursday’s news of the latest migrant caravan, which left San Pedro...