Nicky Jam, a name synonymous with reggaeton’s global rise, finds himself grappling with a darker reality beneath the spotlight. Recently married to Juana Varón, the artist’s personal life has taken an unexpected turn, and not for the better. His candid confession on Jay Shetty’s "On Purpose Podcast" revealed a...
Leigh is a real patient. GSK paid for her time in sharing her unique experiences. Individual results may vary. In a recent episode of BELatina, we discussed the impact that certain diseases have on the Latino community. Karent Sierra sat down with Leigh, a Latina mother of four from Puerto...
Venezuelan boxer Oscar De La Hoya and Holly Sonders recently raised some concerns after they posted a provocative video that many took at face value as just another attention-seeking post. But as the dust settled and the views piled up, the couple revealed a more significant motive behind their...

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