BELatina’s Best of the Week: New Moon in Aquarius, BELatina TV, And More

BELatina TV Best of the Week Latinx
Photo courtesy of BELatina.

Ladies, Mercury Retrograde is over! And at BELatina, we definitely feel the change. This past week has been like a breeze of fresh air compared to the previous ones and has allowed us to bring you the best stories from our community with more peace of mind.

From the New Moon in Aquarius to ways to keep up with your loved ones, these are the best stories of the week in BELatina.

What it Means to be an Alt Latina and Why I Love It

Photo courtesy of BeLatina
Photo courtesy of BeLatina

“Alternative” is defined as “different from the usual or conventional.” Put that before Latina, and you get the gist of it. This is an ode to those who grew up dressing in hem jeans by hand (all tight and ripped), dark hair with random bright-colored mechones, or shorter layers on top. The Latinas who grew up listening to all types of musical genres — to rock en español, pop, bachata, and regional at the same time.

What Does It Mean That America Is Engaged in a ‘Culture War,’ and Why Should You Care?

Culture War BELatina Latinx
Photo courtesy of Reuters.

To no one’s surprise, the term “Culture War” emerged as a way of describing contemporary political and social issues in the United States. Think abortion, homosexuality, transgender rights, multiculturalism, racism. Simply put, the so-called “Culture War” in America is the perennial clash between conservative or traditionalist values and their progressive or liberal counterparts.

New Moon in Aquarius: Affirming Our Genius

New Moon in Aquarius BELatina Latinx
Photo courtesy of BELatina.

The upcoming New Moon in Aquarius on February 1, at 12:45 am EST, is a refreshing invitation to step up our intentions and plans for 2022. This visionary and rebellious moon invites us to step out of our safe zones and embrace our unique talents and perspectives!

Three Easy Ways to Keep up With Your Loved Ones

Loved ones BELatina Latinx
Photo courtesy of

Here are three tips on ways to maintain your friendships for those who have friends across the globe, who have availability once a month, and for those who bluntly just don’t have the time right now.

Five Lessons ‘Madre Solo Hay Dos’ Taught Me

Madre Solo Hay Dos BELatina Latinx
Photo courtesy of TuneFind.

Ludwika Paleta has always been iconic — ever since her first acting role as the rich fresa kid on “Carrusel” (1989), everyone knew she had the talent to turn heads. Such is the case to this day in her most recent television series “Madre Solo hay Dos,” in which she plays the role of Ana, the poised and empowered chingona. Here are five important lessons I learned from watching Netflix’s series “Madre Solo Hay Dos.” 

The First Episode of BELatina TV Is Here

BELatina TV first episode Latinx
Photo courtesy of BELatina.

The first episode of BELatina TV is filled with excitement. Emotions are all over the air as the host, Dr. Karent Sierra, and co-host, Chef James Tahhan, share tips, jokes, and bombastic energy needed in the mornings.

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