New Moon in Cancer: Tending to One Another

New Moon in Cancer Tending to One Another BELatina Latinx
Image courtesy of BELatina.

The New Moon in Cancer arrives this June 28 and just in time, overflowing with the energy of the archetypal Mother and invites us into deep self-care and safety. 

The moon is at home in this water sign symbolized by the crab. The crab is tough on the outside and soft on the inside, reminding us that our tender hearts and homes do need boundaries and protection. As we nurture this sense of safety, the permission to feel deeply is extended, and the message is to cleanse ourselves by surrendering to the flow.

On June 24th, SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade, ending 50 years of federal abortion rights, a huge blow to our human rights that will affect communities that are already marginalized. As we as a nation and world watch how our society is dividing even further, the question of community is brought forth. 

How do we honor and protect birthing persons and unborn and new life in our communities?

Amid this life-changing decision, this New Moon asks us to manage our nervous systems and explore how to tend to ourselves and our community. 

How can I fill my cup first so I can pour it into my community?

The New Moon is always a potent portal to release what no longer serves and draw and magnetize your heart’s desire. Representing a new cycle, expect fresh energy and the ability to reimagine and recreate!

In order to seed the new, we must first release our tight grasp of what we thought would be and begin to ask what is possible.

Our intuition and ancestral gifts are flowing now, so take the time to journal, breathe and flow with your intuitive knowing!

This is generally a loving, supportive moon but with Black Moon Lilith representing the energy of the Wild Woman (dark, raw, fierce, often shunned by society), expect fierce intuition and perhaps a little sacred rage as Jupiter squares Aries! 

Black Lilith represents empowerment, expansion, and sexuality. Most often, when we silence emotions that were deemed negative, our spectrum of feelings gets limited, including joy and pleasure. So this moon is not one to hold back!

Gather with trusted friends, dance, sing, shout out your fears and sadness and light a candle while breathing in expansion, unity, harmony, and a new way of doing things both for the collective and personally. 

Please make sure to read your sun, moon, and rising signs, and you can find out what they are here.

Your horoscope for this New Moon in Cancer

Aries ( March 21-April 19)

Falling in your fourth house of home and foundations, this New Moon is at an uncomfortable angle to Jupiter in Aries in your house of identity. You will have to stand true to yourself even if those closest to you do not approve. This challenge, like many others, will strengthen you. So, ¡pon los pies en la tierra con firmeza! 

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The New Moon is in your third house of communication, neighbors, and siblings, squaring Jupiter in the twelfth house of the soul and unconscious. It’s a time to dive deeper into your intuition. Explore and renew how you want to share your deepest wishes and goals with those closest to you! 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Landing in your second house of values and income, the New Moon in Cancer squares Jupiter in your eleventh house of organizations and networks. You could find yourself confidently embracing new activism or business ideas and reaching out to la comunidad for all manner of support! You could also propose or be invited to collaborate with a respected organization. ¡A volar!  

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This is the most powerful moon of the year for you, dear Cancer, as it’s the only New Moon in your sign and your first house of self! It’s time to go deep, tap into what you really desire and imagine yourself receiving it. As you do this creative visualization practice, speak your desires as if they are already happening. This New Moon squares with Jupiter in the tenth house of career and public recognition, a perfect time to call in your biggest professional/political success yet! 

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Your season is near, and this New Moon falls in your twelfth house of the soul and the unconscious, squaring Jupiter in the ninth house of foreign travel, adventure, and publishing. Pay attention to your dreams as your unconscious will be guiding you to create overseas travel to unearth and heal past lives and urging you to step into more expansive mindsets and projects. Prepare by getting clear on your vision because you’ll be in the spotlight manifesting these dreams in a few weeks during Leo season! 

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Falling in your eleventh house of organizations and networking, it’s a great time to focus on aligning with the right folks for the projects at hand! Teamwork is at the heart of this New Moon energy for you, with its square Jupiter in the house of power, resources, sex, and transformation. Vulnerability, truth, and clarity are your superpower! Be clear with the agreements going into these arrangements, and know that you’re calling in powerful folks as a mirror to your own poder

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Alignment with relationships at work is what this New Moon is all about for you, value-centered Libra! With the New Moon falling in your tenth house of career and public recognition, you continue getting clear on work relationships and aligning yourself with those who will assist you in reaching major professional goals. Time to focus more of your energy on those that share the same values! 

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

This New Moon activates your ninth house of expansion, adventure, and foreign travel and the sixth house of work, habits, and routines, so get ready. You’ll be inspired to shift some habits by a sudden decision to go back to school, travel, or write your book! Whatever long-term goal you have stirring, your soul will create a change in habits that will support you on this most inspirational camino!  

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Fiery Sag, this new moon promises some sexy times if you allow yourself to speak up about your desires with a new or old partner or if you open your mind to dating again. This New Moon activates your house of power, sex, and emotional connections, as well as the fifth house of creativity and romance! It’s time to take some risks in your love and pleasure spheres as the stars say it will be moving you to your best vida

Capricorn ( December 22-January 19)  

With the New Moon falling in your seventh house of partnership and squaring Jupiter in the fourth house of home, your close relationships are in your heart and mind. Exploring your own part in your relationships and asking yourself how you can be more vulnerable in a way that creates safety and deeper intimacy will bring unexpected understanding and a sense of true connection! 

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) 

Falling in your sixth house of health and work and squaring with Jupiter in your third house of communication, this New Moon invites you to dedicate more time to your own wellness and life/work balance. Connecting with friends as accountability buddies, setting goals, and taking action are all positive cambios at this time! 

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

Your journey to stand in your truth and speak up on important matters continues as the New Moon in Cancer activates your fifth house of self-expression and romance, squaring your second house of values, income, and self-worth supporting you to give voice to your needs. You’ve often felt a tinge of guilt or even selfishness. Now you recognize that if you don’t fulfill your needs. Well, your cup will remain half empty! ¡Más agua, por favor! 

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