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Veggie Diet Belatina

New Study Alert: For a Diet That Promotes Longevity and Health, Focus on What...

An expansive new study published this week in The Lancet concluded that poor diets are the most significant contributing factor to death from lifestyle-related...
classic passover

Here’s Why We Should Cling to Tradition as We Move Further into Modernity

With a batch of spring holidays approaching, the stage is set for the biannual deep clean of closets, pantries, and perhaps even habits. There...
Lucy Flores Biden Belatina

Why Didn’t Lucy Flores Say Anything When Joe Biden Kissed Her Head?

When I read Lucy Flores’s essay in New York Magazine this weekend, my first thought was, “Here we go again.” I dreaded the polarizing...
Grocery Shopping Snap benefits Belatina

Last Day to Submit Public Comments Over SNAP Budget Cuts that Could Leave 1...

Today is the final day that you can (and should) submit public comments on the Department of Agriculture’s proposal to pare back on exemptions...
Cultural Appropriation Fashion 2015

Cultural Conundrum: The Fine Line Between Appropriation and Homage

When the conversation of cultural appropriation comes up, many of us often find it difficult to differentiate between appropriation, homage, and or appreciation. Perhaps...

15 Kitchen Utensils That Will Give You Abuela-Status Cooking Skills

Taking those first few steps away from the family home into some sort of adulthood is a painful process. As the keys on our...

8 Things We Love About Watching Samin Nosrat Savor Her Way Through the Yucatan...

Whether you are a professional food lover or an aspiring foodie, Salt, Acid, Fat, Heat is for you. Perhaps you want to explore the...

My Cultural Double Whammy: 15 Things I Have Learned as a Jewish Latina

I arrived in the U.S. a lifetime ago in 1992 with a student visa and plans to return to Colombia once I had finished...

Savor! 20 Iconic Dishes Latino Countries Are Known For

One of the ways Latin American countries celebrate national pride is through their delicious dishes. Our food blends influences, from the indigenous, Spanish, and...

A Case for Revitalizing the Local Library

My courtship with my husband, like our habit of going on journeys together, began during our graduate school years, when shoestring research grant budgets...

Full Moon Rituals for the Working Girl

Although we may not recognize it, mainstream popular culture is highly moon-centric. For one, some among us like to host Super Moon parties, which...

Funny Father: 12 Reasons Why We Heart Al Madrigal

In a world where reality can be overwhelming, stressful and downright terrifying at times, it’s important to have a sense of humor to help...