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Live in The Moment While Making Smart Financial Decisions belatina news

Live in The Moment While Making Smart Financial Decisions

We have often talked about the Latino community's obstacles in accessing equal financial opportunities. Latinos must navigate wage inequality and lack of access to...
Chicana feminism BELatina Latinx

Let’s Talk About Chicana Feminism and How We Might Apply It Today

As we navigate the turbulent waters of today's inequality, it is perhaps prudent to cast an eye back in history and look at other...
Human Rights BELatina Latinx

These Three Laws Put Human Rights at Risk in the U.S.

If you feel like your head is spinning just trying to keep up with all the legal and political drama happening across the country,...
Daisy Auger-Dominguez Inclusion Revolution

Meet Daisy Auger-Dominguez, Author of ‘Inclusion Revolution’

Decades of disparity and racial inequality have led to a global reckoning. As a result, organizations across the country are being confronted with a...
Maternal Health, Kamala Harris, Vice President

A Conversation With Vice President Kamala Harris on Maternal Health

While the world seems to be in permanent chaos, there are those who remain at the forefront, working for the voiceless and inspiring us...
Latine Films about Women BELatina Latinx

10 Latine Films on Women’s Strength and Resilience

March is a month when we frequently look back and reflect on our advances in the fight for our rights. That struggle doesn't limit...
Mothering Burnout BELatina Latinx

What to Do on Days Where Mothering Feels Like Too Much

Some days, being an adult is hard, and parenting is really, really hard. But being a mom, well, that's arguably the hardest job of...
How to find a therapist BELaitna Latinx

How To Properly Search for a Therapist

Considering just how complicated and stressful the world is right now, it should come as no shock that many Americans suffer from mental health...
Latinos Twitter BELatina Latinx

Remote Work Helped Latinos and Black Employees Land More Jobs at Twitter

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic was a litmus test for labor models — especially those that relied on the capitalist model to perpetuate...
COVID BELatina Latinx Mutual Aid Hub

Mutual Aid: Connecting, Empowering, and Protecting Communities Through Solidarity

As unemployment rates rise and essential services become harder to access both economically and physically, mutual aid groups around the world continue to reaffirm...
Covid Unemployment BELatina Latinx

Between Unemployment and Contagion, Coronavirus hinders Growth Momentum in the Latino Community

Just when Latinos seemed to have the American Dream within reach, a new catastrophe brings them back to square one. According to figures from...
Meatpacking Latinos BELatina Latinx

Coronavirus Crisis in Meat Processing Plants Puts Lives and Safety of Latino Families at...

While the media focused on the devastating effect of coronavirus in big cities, the real hot spots of the crisis were simmering in unexpected...