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Preliminary Data Suggest That Trump’s 2024 Success Was Driven by an Increase in Latino Support 

Preliminary Data Suggest That Trump’s 2024 Success Was Driven by an Increase in Latino...

Donald Trump’s ability to capture significant Latino support in the 2024 presidential election played a decisive role in his victory. Latino voters, a demographic...
Andrzej Duda BELatina Latinx

The Ties That Bind Poland’s Nationalist, Anti-LGBTQ President Andrzej Duda to President Trump

A new conservative and homophobic pillar seems to be solidifying its bases in the heart of Europe, after Poland's President Andrzej Duda was re-elected...
BELatina Immigrants 900 Trump

What Didn’t Stop During the Pandemic: The Trump Administration Deported More than 900 Children...

At this point, the separation of families or the images of hundreds of children caged by the Trump Administration seem to be archived deep...

Trump Administration’s Anti-Immigrant Policies Spread Coronavirus to Vulnerable Countries

Despite having almost completely suspended its immigration system, and despite being the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world, the United States has...
Green card Visa BELatina Immigrant

Another Lesson From the Trumpian Manual: “When in Doubt, Scapegoat Immigrants”

How does closing the borders of a country that is the epicenter of a pandemic help? It doesn’t, but the American president knows an...
SBA Loans BELatina Collateral Damage

In Donald Trump’s America, Small Business Owners Are the New Collateral Damage

What is the difference between "big" and "small" businesses in an aggressive capitalist system like the American one? It's relative, especially in the time...
Nancy Pelosi BELatina

Speaker Nancy Pelosi Promises to Oversee the Trump Administration’s Response to the Coronavirus Crisis

When the president of the country has a long history of fraud and bankruptcy, it is a danger to leave $2 trillion at his...
Hands Off Our Abuelos BELatina

Hands Off Our Abuelos: Latinos Rise Up Against the Idea That Economy Trumps Lives...

President Donald Trump told Americans to go back to work in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, and as scientists and most Americans gasped...
Yamiche Alcindor BELatina Trump

The Way Trump Treated This Journalist Says Everything You Need to Know About How...

If you still doubt how the coronavirus can change the world's political landscape, just take a look at countries like Hungary, where Parliament voted...

What Donald Trump and Michael Bloomberg Have in Common: A Sexist Repertoire

In the Democratic Party's desperate campaign to find someone who can beat President Donald J. Trump in his bid for re-election, there are many...
Abuse of Power Impeachment Fail BELatina Latinx

Republican Tribalism Wins and Donald Trump Is Acquitted on Impeachment

After months of investigations, testimony, and evidence, the U.S. Senate ended the impeachment process of President Donald J. Trump initiated by the Democratic-majority House...
Veronica Escobar Congresswomen BELatina

Veronica Escobar to Give Democratic Response to Trump’s State of The Union

At this point in the Trump Administration, waiting for a surprise at the State of The Union address (SOTU) is a waste of time. Since...