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College Majors BeLatina

College Majors that are Poised to Lead the Resistance

For many years, even when I was very young, I dreamed of going to college in the United States, to get a liberal arts...

Everything You Need to Know About Mexico’s ‘Grito de Dolores’

There must be a natural spike in Party City’s stock value every May when Americans line up at the register to purchase candy-colored plastic...
Friends supporting Friends Belatina

Here’s Why Your Homegirl is Actually Good for Your Health

We all know the typical steps we need to take in order to be healthy: eat well (balanced meals, lots of protein and veggies,...
mojada medea Luis Alfaro

Redefining Catharsis: Immigrant Pain Retold as Mythical Greek Tragedy

I’m not great with change. That said, I am also an expert in putting myself in uncomfortable situations, rapidly morphing ones, such as multi-city...
chisme gossip belatina

The Chisme Chat: Unpacking the Truth About How Much We Gossip

Hazte tu fama y acuéstate a dormir, goes the saying in Colombia, where el chisme, a noun, quickly hatched a verb, chismosear (in Cuba,...
ozuna IG Belatina Trap Music

Is There a Future for Latin Trap Music?

Latin trap music was born out of two genres created by Black immigrants – hip-hop/rap and reggaeton. For Latin trap to continue to thrive...

Wealth of the Wild: How Indigenous Animals Have Brought Many Cultures to Prosperity

Various cultures throughout the world still hold on to ancient traditions, practices and artistry as a way to bring prosperity to their people and...
Baby Boi Slim Deadlee Chicano

Hip-Hop Gets the Rainbow Treatment with’ the Cholo-riffic Musical Genre That Didn’t Come to...

Rap and hip-hop have a history of being homophobic and heavily relying on toxic masculinity to help draw in audiences and sell. However, everyone...
Elizabeth Acevedo Julia Alvarez Latina Authors

Palabra Power: 10 Latina Authors You Need to Know

Every few years when you least expect it a new crop of talented Latina authors who’ve dedicated tumultuous years honing their craft and writing...
Feature Eva Longoria IG @evalongoria

11 Latina Actresses Who Have Spoken Out on Hollywood Stereotypes and Lack of Diversity

It is no secret that Latinos have been grossly underrepresented in Hollywood. And when Latino actors are included, they are often portraying criminals and...

Youth Truth: A Group of Kids Sued the Colombian Government to Protect the Amazon…and...

Rich in gold and other Old World commodities, South America was the promised land for the Europeans, who colonized it between the 1500s and...
Crisis to Creativity: Up Close with All the Art Inspired by the Border Debate

Crisis to Creativity: Up Close with All the Art Inspired by the Border Debate

The German philosopher Theodor Adorno famously said that “to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric.” I don’t believe that he meant to put the...