Work From Home: Crush It With These 9 Ground Rules

When you’re working from home, it can be tempting to stay in your pajamas, take frequent snack breaks, and work your schedule around daytime TV shows. But in reality, if you want to be as productive as possible, you’ve got to set some personal ground rules— and stick to them. We gathered these9rules that might help you organize your workspace and create the best work environment at home.

3Assign a Break Time

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While you should definitely have a set schedule, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break. Go outside and get a little sunlight, eat some lunch, or even use this time to check your personal email before returning to the task at hand. And especially if working in a stationary position, sprinkle in “microbreaks” throughout your day by taking less than a minute to stand up and stretch, close your eyes and take some cleansing breaths, or give a beloved pet some love.