Yalitza Aparicio’s Incredible Journey (Beyond Debut Actress and Oscar Nominee) to Magazine Cover Girl

One film role. That is all it took for Yalitza Aparicio to showcase her acting talent, and in the process, take the world by storm. The Mixtec-Triqui-Mexican actress from Oaxaca starred as Cleo, in the Oscar-winning film, Roma, created by fellow Mexican, powerhouse director/producer/writer/editor/cinematographer, Alfonso Cuarón. This role earned Aparicio an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress; she is the first indigenous Mexican woman to ever earn the honor.

With this achievement, Yalitza has stood as a representative of the indigenous, of women of color, of those who don’t often get Hollywood roles, designer gowns to wear at awards shows, and glossy magazine covers. Speaking of magazine covers, let’s take this moment to celebrate how she’s rocked Hollywood norms, by looking at 11 covers Yalitza Aparicio’s graced — so far.

5The Hollywood Reporter

THR Yalitza Arparicio
Photo credit THR

Aparicio’s cover for the January 16, 2019 edition of The Hollywood Reporter is so sweet and girl next door (plus I love the outfit). The photos and interview took place in Mexico City, where the magazine sat down with both Yalitza and Alfonso Cuaron, to talk Roma and politics of Mexico.