Exclusive: Did Dominican Influencer, Pio, Scam a Latino Small Business Owner Out of a Rolex? We Spoke to the Business Owner to Uncover the Truth

Exclusive: Did Dominican Influencer, Pio, Scam a Latino Small Business Owner Out of a Rolex? We Spoke to Business Owner to Uncover the Truth
Credit: Instagram/ @westmiamijewelry

In Miami, Venezuelan immigrant Jose Guerrero, owner of West Miami Jewelry, has recently found himself entangled in a controversy involving social media influencer Jonathan Abreu Sosa, known as “Pio,” (@ pioladitingancia) and his manager, Elory Williams Correa. Guerrero alleges that Pio and Correa failed to fulfill their contractual obligations for a promotional campaign after receiving a $6,500 Rolex watch as payment. 

Jose Guerrero’s small business, West Miami Jewelry, is currently thriving. However, he acknowledges that such a dispute could have been devastating if the business were in its early stages. Guerrero told BELatina, “This could be truly damaging for a small business just starting. We are big enough to take hits, but for small businesses, it could be life-changing.” 

What Is Happening with This Latino-Owned Small Business and Pio?

West Miami Jewelry is a testament to the burgeoning Latino entrepreneurial spirit in the United States. According to the ninth annual State of Latino Entrepreneurship report released by the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative, Latino-owned businesses contribute more than $800 billion to the U.S. economy. The report highlights that Latinos are starting new businesses at rapid rates, with a 57 percent increase in Latino-owned businesses between 2007 and 2022, compared to a mere 5 percent increase in White-owned businesses. Despite this growth, Latino business owners, particularly immigrants and women, face significant financial hurdles. 

Exclusive: Did Dominican Influencer, Pio, Scam a Latino Small Business Owner Out of a Rolex? We Spoke to the Business Owner to Uncover the Truth
Credit: Jose Guerrero

A formal complaint from Guerrero’s lawyer to Pio and Correa outlines the specifics of the alleged fraud. The document states, “Please be advised that this firm has been formally retained by West Miami Jewelry with regard to the services due them as a result of your fraud and theft stemming from a social media content advertising agreement. Two service contracts were executed… after execution and payment was made in advance by West Miami Jewelry in the form of a Rolex watch valued at $6,500.00, Jonathan Abreu Sosa ‘Pio’ and Elory Williams Correa failed to honor their obligations under the agreement, and wrongly retained the Rolex property.” 

Guerrero posted a video on Instagram to address the issue publicly, explaining, “In September 2023, Pio La Distinga contacted us with his manager Correa to do promotion here in Miami, which we recorded at the store. We agreed to give him a Rolex to continue the promotion with three more visits to Miami, which never happened. After contacting Pio several times, Correa tried to defame me by saying the watch was fake. People who know me, my clientele, everyone here knows I would never do that. It would be the biggest mistake of my career to give a famous person something fake. Why would I be behind that piece? I don’t care if he keeps it; I just don’t want anyone else doing business with them. They are very, very bad people.” 

The Bigger Picture

Despite Guerrero’s efforts to resolve the issue, Pio and Correa have denied the allegations and mocked the situation. Pio discussed the controversy on La X 96.3, El Ritmo De NY, after a caller inquired about the Rolex. Meanwhile, Correa has urged Guerrero to stop talking about the incident, claiming the watch is counterfeit. 

This controversy highlights the financial challenges Latino business owners face in the U.S., particularly regarding access to capital. The Stanford report also indicates that Latino founders receive only 2 percent of total venture capital funding. Additionally, Latino-owned tech-centric businesses struggle to secure loans, receiving just 28 percent of the requested amount from local banks and 40 percent from national banks on average. Guerrero’s experience underscores the vulnerability of small Latino-owned businesses to such disputes, which can be devastating. 

Jose Guerrero’s fight for justice reflects a broader struggle within the Latino entrepreneurial community. He understands the power of exposure to promote his business, but he also recognizes that some influencers, including Latino influencers, are not playing fair. Yet, the call for respect and fair treatment of Latino-owned businesses like West Miami Jewelry is more important than ever as they continue to drive economic growth and innovation in the U.S. 

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