Pepe Aguilar adds another hit to his name. The renowned Mexican artist recently released “Cuídamela bien,” a heartfelt song dedicated to his son-in-law, Christian Nodal, urging him to cherish and protect his daughter, Angela Aguilar. The lyrics are both a warning and a plea for Nodal to make Angela...
Natalia Lafourcade has been named the first "Music Ambassador for Peace" at the 19th World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace, held in Monterrey, Mexico. This prestigious title was presented to the award-winning Mexican singer-songwriter by the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Laureates for Peace, recognizing...
Colombian superstar Juanes kicked off NPR’s annual tribute to Latino Heritage Month with a beautiful performance on “El Tiny.” Known for his deeply personal lyrics and versatile melodies, Juanes has risen from humble beginnings in Medellín, Colombia, to global recognition. His songs have long been a source of pride for...

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