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Yerba Mate Healthy Alternative

5 Good Reasons to Consider Replacing Your Coffee with Yerba Mate

Since it first hit the consumer market in the U.S., yerba mate has been covered ad nauseum by the media for its purported health...
Dementia Belatina

New Study Shows Dementia in Latin Brains is its Very Own Thing

A new study out of UC Davis Alzheimer's Center has found that there are significant differences between the brains of Hispanics with dementia compared...
Drug-Resistant Over use of antibiotics Belatina Candida

Modern Medicine Can’t Keep Up with Deadly, Drug-Resistant Fungi

The more antimicrobial medications we use to save lives, the deadlier microbes seem to become, morphing into “superbugs” that resist treatment. While you may...
Great Barrier Reef Healthy

New Study Suggests That Great Barrier Reef is F**ked if We Don’t Act Now

In case you weren’t already worried about the state of the world’s oceans, a study published in the journal Nature this week suggested that...
Grocery Shopping Snap benefits Belatina

Last Day to Submit Public Comments Over SNAP Budget Cuts that Could Leave 1...

Today is the final day that you can (and should) submit public comments on the Department of Agriculture’s proposal to pare back on exemptions...

Meet Joan Fallon: The Fierce Medicine Maker That’s Changing the Game

If someone you love has been diagnosed with autism or is suffering from a related disorder, it might seem as if there is not...

Youth Truth: A Group of Kids Sued the Colombian Government to Protect the Amazon…and...

Rich in gold and other Old World commodities, South America was the promised land for the Europeans, who colonized it between the 1500s and...

3 Easy Plastic-Free Ways Keeps Me Inspired When Thinking About the Impending Plastic Armageddon

Yet another group of researchers has concluded that plastic has infiltrated the deepest, darkest depths of the sea. Last week, a crew of marine...

New Study Suggests Latinos Care More About Global Warming Than Non-Latinos

In 1970, President Nixon created the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), a big step forward in addressing the growing concern about the effects of pollution...

The Elephant in the Room for Progressives: It’s Time to Talk About Congresswoman Ilhan...

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar is yet again in the headlines for what critics contend was another anti-Semitic trope that she used in criticizing U.S....
Womb Transplant Uterus Belatina

Uterus Transplants: A New Era of Possibilities for Motherhood?

While the world is familiar with organs that save lives, is it ready for transplants that can actually create lives? Science has now made...

The Real Silent Killer: Insulin Prices, Especially for Latino Communities

Diabetes has often been called the silent killer, because a person can suffer from this disease for years with relatively mild signs or sometimes-nonexistent...