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Youth Truth: A Group of Kids Sued the Colombian Government to Protect the Amazon…and...

Rich in gold and other Old World commodities, South America was the promised land for the Europeans, who colonized it between the 1500s and...

A Love Letter to Eva Longoria on Her 44th Birthday

In honor of her 44th birthday, we’re celebrating everything we love and admire about the one and only Eva Longoria. That’s right, everyone’s favorite...

Over the Moon for Maritza Soto, the Millennial Chilean Astronomer

Maritza Soto, a Chilean-born astronomer, is not only making headlines but also making history for discovering not one, not two, but THREE planets. And...

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in Hot Seat for Treatment of Child Migrants at...

On Wednesday, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen sat in front of a congressional committee for a hearing on U.S. border...

Skin in the Game: 7 Celebrities Who Are Redefining Cosmetics

There are a number of celebrities with enviable skin, making you wonder if they’ve made a pact with the gods. Whatever the regimen, they...

Are Israeli Doctors Close to Finding a Cure for Breast Cancer?

Last month, researchers from an Israeli pharmaceutical company called Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies announced that in about a year, they would begin clinical trials with...

Lorena Bobbitt and the Rape Myths That Skeptics and Misogynists Embraced

The story of Lorena Bobbitt might seem like a tabloid relic of the nineties, but Joshua Rofé’s new Amazon Prime docuseries Lorena shows us...

Menstrual Equity is an American Issue, Too

Last week, filmmakers Rayka Zehtabchi and Melissa Berton won an Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject for their film Period. End of Sentence. The...

Here’s Why We Can’t Wait to Watch The Infiltrators

There are several films that we are truly pumped to see when they hit theaters, from Frozen 2 to Downton Abbey and everything in...
sexual Assult immigrants risk belatina

Undocumented Migrant Women Carry the Burden of Sexual Assault and Rape

Undocumented migrant women from Central America risk being raped or assaulted by their smugglers or even border agents, according to a series of personal...
Demonstrators Stephon Clark April in Sacramento

Sacramento DA Declines to Press Charges in Stephon Clark Case, Citing Belief that Jury...

No charges will be filed against law enforcement for the wrongful death of 22-year-old Stephon Clark, an unarmed black man who was shot eight...
Womb Transplant Uterus Belatina

Uterus Transplants: A New Era of Possibilities for Motherhood?

While the world is familiar with organs that save lives, is it ready for transplants that can actually create lives? Science has now made...