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Tag: Healthy

The Universal Power of Not Praising Thinness and Weight Loss

Being a woman trying to live up to today’s unrealistic beauty standards is exhausting. It’s a never-ending struggle to look and be our best...

Just Stop it Already: A Case for Leaving Your Phone Off...

Dinnertime doesn’t look like it used to. Gone are the days of sitting around a table with polite smiles, small talk, proper table manners...

Spring Salud: 5 of the Healthiest Foods to Get Your Hands...

With spring in high gear, small farmers are bringing their early harvests to local markets all around the country. If you are lucky enough...

Do People Still Drink Smoothies in 2019? Here are the Champion...

Smoothies have long since shed their reputation as run-of-the-mill, fruit-based, slurpable diet foods. The latest generation of smoothies uses nutrition as medicine, homing in...

The Super Fine Line Between Body Positivity and Risking One’s Health

We are all about any movement or effort that encourages women to love their bodies. After all, self-love and self-acceptance — and yes, that...

New Study Alert: For a Diet That Promotes Longevity and Health,...

An expansive new study published this week in The Lancet concluded that poor diets are the most significant contributing factor to death from lifestyle-related...