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After Public Outcry, Citizenship and Immigration Services Concedes on Medical Deferred...

After a botched rollout of inhumane immigration and medical policy, the United States Department of Citizenship and Immigration Services is no longer requiring some...

Betsy DeVos Really Doesn’t Feel the Government Needs to Fund Special...

For the third year in a row, President Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has proposed budget cuts to the Special Olympics program. If approved,...

More Migrant Children Have Been Separated From Families Than Previously Thought

A new official report has revealed that thousands of children were separated from their parents at the southern U.S. border under President Trump’s watch,...

California’s New Governor Announces Unprecedented Expansion of Healthcare

Gavin Newsom, a progressive California Democrat, was sworn in on Monday to succeed Jerry Brown as governor of the state. Moments after being sworn...