The Ultimate Guide for Conquering the World as a Solo Female Traveler

Exploring the world alone as a female might sound seem daunting to some. Safety is always a concern, especially when visiting countries with a high rate of femicide, but when you have a real burning desire to travel, and none of your friends, family members or your partner (if you’re in a relationship) are available, going solo is always an option if you take the precautions. 

The bright side of solo traveling is that you might discover more. Why? Because traveling alone encourages you to become more adaptable, trust in your judgment with less hesitation, exert self-reliance and engage in self-reflection. So if you’re ready to embark into a solo travel getaway, here are some key tips:

3Make Friends and Keep their Contact Information

Travel Solo Keep Contacts

The world can be a lonely place sometimes, so it’s always nice to make friends. Solo travel has increased in popularity over the past decade, and statistics show that 59% of agents reported more clients traveling alone. However, traveling alone doesn’t mean you can’t have human interaction. 

Document Your Travel as Much as Possible 

Keep a record of your adventures and experiences by sharing it on social media or creating a blog on WordPress or