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Meet Erica Lira, Julián Castro’s Wife and Maybe One Day a Future First Lady?

Long before she was known as the wife of democratic presidential candidate, Julián Castro, Erica Lira was on a mission. As a San Antonio...

Money Moves: How Latina Women Increasingly Inform Our Nation’s Economy

The pay gap between men and women still exists in the United States. From minimum wage to maximum return jobs, whether it’s a hidden...
Whitney Daniel Lind-Ramos

At New York’s Whitney Museum Biennial, Puerto Rican Artist Daniel Lind-Ramos Stands Out as...

New York City’s Whitney Museum of American Art opened up its 2019 biennial this week, showcasing works of art that channel the spirit of...
Mike Alfaro Vida Starz Millennial Loteria

Creative Genius: Q & A with Mike Alfaro

As a disclaimer of sorts, I'm a half-Korean, half-white millennial who was born in Seoul but grew up in the suburban Midwest. I had...
Kat McCue IG @katmeowcue

It’s Mental Health Awareness Month, So Here’s How Mental Health Care Has Failed Me...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I was unaware of this until this morning, when I began to write up a brief rundown of...


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Helping others Belatina

Madre Mía: Unpacking the Divine Role of Mothers in Latin Culture

Every year, usually in the spring, a great number of cultures around the world take a day to celebrate their mothers. The same natural...
Mayor Garcetti Obama BLVD Belatina

This Weekend Was a Big Weekend for Black Icons

In a unanimous decision, the City Council of Los Angeles voted 15 to 0 in favor of renaming three and a half miles of...
Latinx Hispanic Latino Belatina

Mind-Numbing Nomenclature: Can Someone Please Explain if I’m Latina, Latinx or Hispanic?

I arrived in the United States at the age of eighteen to a university campus, which provided me, in addition to a solid liberal...

Flying High with Lt. Ronaqua Russell, the First Black Woman to Take Home the...

February 21st was a big day for Lt. Ronaqua Russell, who was honored with the Air Medal by the Coast Guard, a medal that...
Education Photo Credit IG @jessica_gomez_photography

5 Game Changing Tips to Know if Your Goal is to Earn a Doctoral...

Finding your place in academic settings can be daunting, and if you are Latinx trying to earn a doctoral degree, integrating can feel like...
Young M.A.Feature

Meet Young M.A: The Afro-Latina She-Rapper Blowing Minds Nationwide

Brooklyn native Katorah Kasanova Marrero, better known by her stage name Young M.A, has made her own way as an openly-gay, half-Boricua, half-Jamaican rapper...