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Adele Lim Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians Writer Adele Lim Takes a Stand for Pay Equity, Rejecting Offers...

Taking a principled and justified stand, Crazy Rich Asians screenwriter Adele Lim has publicly announced that she will not be rejoining her co-writer Peter...
venice film festival Gender Equality

There’s a Glaring Gender Disparity at the Venice Film Festival, and Its Organizers Are...

Gender parity in film was the subject of a lively debate at this year’s Venice Film Festival, a festival that The Hollywood Reporter described...
Eva longoria flamin hot cheetos

We’re Not Kidding: Eva Longoria is Directing a Biopic about the Janitor Who Invented...

Eva Longoria has landed the irresistible role of director for the upcoming biopic, Flamin’ Hot, a film that shares the name of the junk...
Diversity Matters BeLatina

Here’s Why the Era of Leadership Begins with Diversity

It’s not a secret that diversity is good for business. According to a 2017 INC.com article, diversity and inclusion lead to better business outcomes...
Film Criticism BELatina

Here’s Why We Need to Fully Recast the Role of ‘The Critic’

Last June, Brie Larson took to the stage at the Women in Film Crystal + Lucy Awards to accept an award. After thanking her...
Querida Familia open Letter

Open Letter to Querida Familia Latina Is an Intersectional Call for Unity and Action

Addressed to Querida Familia Latina, an open letter of solidarity was published last week in the New York Times, New York City’s El Diario,...
America Ferrera

Here’s Why We’re Taking All Our Cues from America Ferrera, Actor and Identity Master

Emmy award-winning actor America Ferrera has embraced the opportunity to be a role model for her fans, a diverse community that includes everyone from...
Ava DuVernay BELatina

You Can Thank Mastermind Ava DuVernay for Creating Content That Actually Matters

One of the hottest directors, producers, screenwriters, and filmmakers of our time, Ava DuVernay, is creating media that educates, inspires, and tells complex stories...
Issa Rae IG @issarae belatina

Everyone’s Favorite Creatrix and Superstar, Issa Rae

Issa Rae has become almost synonymous with confidence, self-assurance, and non-stop winning and with good reason. Rae is the owner of ColorCreative, an author,...
Joyce Giraud Puerto Rico BELatina

Meet Joyce Giraud: The Philanthropic Entrepreneurial Mom with Equal Parts Beauty and Brains

If you stumble upon a photo of Joyce Giraud, your first impression will most likely be awe. She is gorgeous. And accomplished. And did...
NALIP Feature Belatina

The Inaugural Latinx List Features Ten of the Most Promising Latinx Screenplays On the...

The best Latinx narratives of the year, written by some of the world’s most talented Latinx screenwriters, have made history this month, earning their...
Priscilla Ono MUA Belatina Feature

Priscilla Ono is the Mexican Makeup Star that Makes Rihanna Look That Good

Priscilla Ono became Rihanna’s go-to make up artist and Fenty Beauty’s global makeup artist by following her passion and using the lessons that her...